Christmas Past

I figured before we slip our way into 2012, I had better post our Christmas morning pictures.  Even though Christmas was a week ago, it still makes me smile to think of all the happy little kids (and big kids) that morning!

Oh, and thanks to my aunt and uncle for the adorable Santa outfits for the kids.  We all loved them!     











2011 was an amazingly wonderful year, and we thank God for His many blessings.  Happy New Year!

Edible Rainbow

Susie (a.k.a. The Queen of Playing with Her Food) was delighted to show me this rainbow.  Who needs a pot of gold at the end when you can just make it out of Goldfish?


Doctor Day

I had to take my little guy to the pediatrician today to get him checked out.  He’s been pulling on his ear for a while, but wasn’t super fussy until last night.  He was happier today, but was still a little clingy.  The doctor confirmed my suspicions that he has his second ear infection in a few weeks (this time in the opposite ear).  It was a traumatic appointment for him because he had to get multiple washes to clean out his unusually tiny ear canals so the doctor could visualize the problem.  Hopefully the new course of antibiotics will clear everything up and soon he’ll be back to his healthy, high-spirited self!


Paper Chase


Jimmy: “Mom, can I?  Please?  Please?  The girls surely won’t mind it if I rip off just a piece or two!”   

Too Cool


Jimmy: “Yeah, I know this new toy is for me, but I’m too cool for things like that.  I’ll let my dad and sisters have at it; they’re easily entertained.  Me, I’m gonna go find a piece of paper to chew.”  

A Few of my Favorite

One of my favorite parts of the holidays is getting to see dear friends.  I wish it could happen more often, but I’ll take every chance I can get!  Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying our visits:






Merry Christmas

We hope your day was as fun as a trip down a slide in a Santa suit!



The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. 

FIVE of them. 


We began with these:


And ended up with these:


We are so blessed. 


I know this blog is mainly about the kids, but I just had to show you a picture of my other “baby.”  I have a pretty good track record keeping my children fed and watered, but not so much my plants.  Hence my excitement when the “Christmas” cactus we received last December stayed alive all year and finally rewarded me with beautiful bright pink blooms. 


I know there’s a blog post in there somewhere about waiting diligently for your reward after tending to dry, thorny, stubborn life…but I’m too tired from Christmas preparations to elaborate.  I’m just happy my family, and my plant, are alive and well – blossoming or not!   

Silly Girls

“Susie!” I exclaimed, as a piece of corn flew across the dinner table.  “Don’t throw your food!”

She smiled that oh-so-Susie-ish grin, picked up another piece of corn, and explained, “But I’m doing ring toss.” 


The girls ran into the house one evening after going out Christmas shopping with their dad.  Susie bounded in first, hollering: “Mama! Mama!  We got you a present!  We got you a –-”

Just then, Becky bolted into the room at that point, calling out, “No, Susie!  Don’t tell her!  It’s a surprise!”  And then, beaming from ear to ear, Becky announced, “We got you a BLANKET!” 

Guess I don’t have to worry about them keeping secrets from me yet!