The Dolls

The girls recently requested that they “make” a doll.  Since sewing is a bit past my skill level, I settled on paper dolls.  With the girls’ close supervision over both my shoulders, I found a printable template online that involved a suitably fancy dress.  We printed them out, and set to work cutting out the intricate dolls and dresses.  The girls were a little frustrated that the dresses kept slipping off their dolls (those silly little fold-over tabs!), so I got out the big gun: scotch tape.  Soon enough, the ball gowns were stuck on tight, and the girls pranced all over the house with their little princesses.  I believe one was named Ariel Rapunzel, and the other named Ariel Cinderella (it probably won’t come as a surprise to anyone that the girls have requested that we name the new baby “Eric” after Prince Eric of The Little Mermaid.  Jim and I told them we’d consider their suggestion…after all, it’s better than them requesting we name the child “The Beast”!).


Under Wraps

Here are the girls playing “hospital.”  They’re sitting on chairs with computers on their laps, completely covered by a blanket. 


Don’t worry, I don’t get it either!

New Heights


25 Weeks


Smooth Sailing

We took our first boat ride of the season on Saturday.  After some initial jitters, the girls were thrilled to feel the wind in their hair. 



And even though he didn’t have much hair to wave in the wind, Jimmy had smiles to go around!


Side by Side by Side


Swept Away

I love having the kids help me with the chores, but I’m looking forward to the day when their efforts don’t result in twice as much mess!


All Aboard

The girls took it upon themselves to make a “choo choo train” in our family room.


Jimmy took their “all aboard” literally! 

Pick Me!

Who wants to go on our next road trip?


I think we have a volunteer!

On the Road Again

It’s a good thing I thoroughly enjoy Jim’s company, because I got a lot of it this past weekend!  We left the kids with his parents on Thursday afternoon (thank you, Bubba and Pappy!!), flew down to Florida late that night, picked up an R.V. Friday morning, and drove the thing all the way back up the coast, arriving home at 3 a.m. on Sunday morning.  We both missed the kids, but it was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with each other without three sets of tiny hands needing our constant assistance!  Our only extended stop during the drive was to camp in Hilton Head, South Carolina on Friday night.  The R.V. park was lovely, right by the water, and we agreed we’d love to go back there when we can explore more of the island. 




I didn’t go into complete child-withdrawal during the trip, thanks to a wonderful visit with one of my dearest friends, Jayme.  We went to high school together in California, and she’s now living in Orlando with her husband and newborn son.  So while Jim picked up the R.V., I got to spend time with Jayme and her adorable Ian.  What a blessing that was!


Throughout the weekend, I was once again reminded of how amazing Jim is, and how thankful I am to be married to him.  How many men can drive from South Carolina to Connecticut non-stop with nary a grumble, and still arrive home in a cheerful mood?  There’s no one in the world I’d rather be on a long road trip with, that’s for sure.  And there’s no one in the world I’d rather be greeted by when we returned home than our little munchkins.  When I was tucking them into their beds for their naps today, Susie snuggled into her pillow and happily sighed, “I’m back where I belong.”  I couldn’t have said it better myself!