
Danny, in the direction of Jimmy: “Doodie!” (translation: Susie)

Jimmy: “I’m not Susie.”

Danny: “Why?”

Jimmy: “Because I’m Jimmy.”


Susie: “I’m not a tomboy, I’m a tomgirl.”


Becky, asking about a single friend of ours: “Does [friend] have a wife?”

Jimmy quickly responded: “No, he just has a jet ski.”


Jimmy: “Lets have a race, to see who can get oldest first.”


While we were at a store checkout buying notebooks for the girls, Susie proudly held up her purchase to the cashier and announced, “Mom let us get a quiet thing because we’re pretty loud.”


Susie, exasperated, while we were playing on the swingset: “Oh great, there’s wood chips in my shoe.”

Her comment led me to a brief discussion with the kids about sarcasm.  As an example, I pointed to an imaginary insect and said, “Oh that’s a beautiful bug,” and then I explained that it was really an “ugly bug,” but I was being sarcastic.  Jimmy thought for a moment, and then yanked off his shoe in mock anger and yelled, “There’s something in my shoe, YOU UGLY BUG!”

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