
Danny was coloring a picture of a pumpkin for a school project.  I told him he was doing a good job, but he insisted his homework was very hard.  He (randomly!) explained, “This is way harder.  Harder than cleaning up a garden.” 


Danny had me write a to-do list for him.  Here is his list verbatim:

1) Make a big toot

2) Ride motorcycles

3) Clean the basement

4) Poop in the toilet

5) Ride motorcycles again


Susie was happily performing her chore for the day – dusting – when she announced, “Hey!  This is fun AND work!  It’s ‘fork’!”


Danny was relating a story to his siblings, but Jimmy was concerned that he was going to ruin the punchline before Jimmy could say it.  He interjected: “Don’t spoil the beans!”


Danny: “If I see a mosquito, I’m gonna make a sign that says, ‘No Mosquitos.’”

Me: “Can mosquitos read?”

Danny: “No, I’m gonna hit the mosquito with it.”

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