Wiggle Worms

When I put the girls down on the floor, they were facing the same way, with their feet at the bottom edge of the play mat.  When I went to check on them a few minutes later, I found they had scooched to these positions:


I fear that life is going to get a lot more chaotic very soon!  Crawling can’t be far behind…


Just a quick post to alert you to a little change.  We recently started receiving spam comments on the blog, and in order to better filter out such unwanted posts, we changed our settings so that all new comments will require our approval prior to publication on the blog.  We will gladly approve any and all comments from family and friends (and even strangers as long as the comments are appropriate!).  This isn’t a censorship issue, just a privacy issue.  We always love reading your comments, so please keep them coming! 

Spit Spot

Here’s a link to a blog posting about motherhood that I found amusing:

Motherhood in Stages

Although I don’t think I’ve been a mother long enough to advance into the later stages, I admit that I’ve vacillated between Stage 1 and Stage 2, depending on how much sleep I’ve gotten and how many diapers I’ve had to change in a 24-hour period.  However, I can already relate to aspects of the later stages, such as the carelessness that characterizes Stage 3: “Your clothes are stained with bodily fluids of your children and you don’t even notice or care.”  Case in point: Much to Jim’s chagrin, I often forgo cleaning off the baby spit-up from my shoulders and simply smear it into the T-shirt and hope that it evaporates.  Motherhood has not only widened my waistline,  it’s also blunted my gag reflex and blinded my eyes to what normal people consider unsightly stains.  It’s not “spit-up” to me – it’s evidence of a much-appreciated, much-digested meal.     

Camera Shy


Susanna (on left): “Can you believe this lady?  Mama won’t stop taking our picture!”

Rebecca: “Just humor her.  She’ll stop when she runs out of batteries.”

Window Watching


Jim and Susie acted as arm-chair quarterbacks for our across-the-street neighbors as they attempted to get their tractor-trailer unstuck from the snow.  It was a long process, but someone had to watch.  Daddy dutifully explained each step in the process.  Susie now has an early lesson in using a winch, straps and the laws of physics to tow out a stubborn truck.  I’m sure her Daddy is looking forward to the  first time he can coach her through the same process with her behind the wheel.  Mama probably won’t be watching from the window, however.  I’ll be burying my head in the snow!   


Love is All Around

The theme song to the Mary Tyler Moore Show asked: “Who can turn the world on with her smile…?” 

We finally have the answer:  Susanna, of course!

