A Walk in the Park

Yesterday, the girls and I went to a state park to take advantage of the warm weather.  While I luxuriated in the 70 degree sunny weather, the girls enjoyed people watching.  It was a delightful way to spend the afternoon.  The girls were so good at the park that I decided to press my luck and try taking them out to dinner.  The girls must have sensed that I was in need of a low-key evening, because they behaved very well at the restaurant and even allowed me to eat almost my whole meal without bouncing someone on my knee.  It helped that I kept them quiet by continually popping bite-sized snacks into their open mouths – but hey, what’s a restaurant for, if not shoveling food in our faces!







I couldn’t help but post this one last picture.  Doesn’t it look like Rebecca’s calling out, “Ack!  Don’t let that bird poop on me!”


Swing Kids

Jim’s parents installed baby swings on the swing set in their yard, so we had to try them out.  The girls swung like pros! 


Getting the hang of it.


Daddy showing the girls how to swing – he’s just a big kid!


Rebecca: “This is child’s play.  Let’s go faster!”


Susanna: “I’m watching to make sure Becky doesn’t swing higher than me.”


Rebecca: “Pappy, thanks so much for getting us these swings!”

Loads of Fun

Rebecca was kind enough to help me out with the laundry today.  Being new to the concept of chores, she was very excited about performing such a big-girl activity.


“Oh boy, these wrinkle-free shirts are the best!”


“Mom, are you sure you want to put this striped towel in with your dark load?”


“Hmm…tastes like it could use more fabric softener.”


“Ew!  Something stinks!  Are you sure you washed this towel well enough?”


“Doing laundry is a lot of work…I’m plotting how to convince Susie to help me next time!”

Showing Off

My good friend Carrie came over today to play with the girls, but upon her arrival, the girls were apprehensive about her presence in the house.  Susanna took one look at her and burst into tears, and Rebecca eyed her suspiciously.  Susanna soon calmed herself, but still was not showing appropriate excitement that a dear friend had driven nearly halfway across the state to be with us for the afternoon.  She wouldn’t take her eyes off Carrie, but her expression remained pensive, as if she was weighing whether or not to trust this new face. 


Happily, the girls’ stranger anxiety eventually melted away (although not until after they’d had a nap), and soon they embraced Carrie wholeheartedly. 


Rebecca is showing her new friend how good she is at pressing buttons on the remote control.  Carrie was duly impressed. 

Susanna wanted to show off as well.  She decided to give Carrie a demonstration of her new trick:


That’s right, my little girl can crawl.  She’s actually been crawling for about a week, but it’s taken me this long to come to grips with her newfound mobility.  I really didn’t believe it when it first happened.  I was on the phone with my mom last Monday, watching the girls play on the floor.  All of a sudden, Susie was a few feet away from where I had placed her, and I thought maybe I had hallucinated.  I couldn’t believe that a child who had learned to sit upright only days before would now jump developmental light-years ahead of her sister and start crawling.  My mom was sure that she had indeed started, if only because mom was an audible witness to the event.  Sure enough, in the following days, I watched as Susie started putting one knee ahead of the other.  Rebecca has been flabbergasted by her sister’s discovery.  She flops around on the floor like a fish out of water, yelping in distress that she can no longer keep up with her “little” sister.

Here’s a link to a video of Susanna showing off for Carrie and I.  You’ll notice that her crawling typically involves pit-stops, where she appears to rest and gather herself for the next leg of the journey. She also occasionally pauses to repeatedly tap her right leg on the floor, as if she’s already bored with this whole crawling gig.  Given her recent developmental speed, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was already planning her next move.  She may be crawling today, but she could be somersaulting tomorrow!

Girls, Interrupted

Here’s a picture of the girls playing at my in-laws’ house this afternoon while I was at the office for a few hours.  They look perturbed that their Pappy is interrupting their playtime by asking them to smile for the camera.  Doesn’t he see that they’re busy with their toys?  I think their expressions may be a preview of what’s to come when they’re teenagers and I interrupt them while they’re chatting on the phone with their friends.  I can just hear them now… “Mom, can’t you see I’m in the middle of a conversation here?” 


Easter Fun

Susanna (on right): “Isn’t Easter fun?  We get to wear pretty dresses AND our grandmas give us bunnies!”



Rebecca (on left): “Here, Sus, let me adjust your face for you.”



Susanna (on right): “Beck, you’re so funny!”



Rebecca (on left): “You do know these bunnies aren’t chocolate, don’t you…”



Susanna (on right): “Oh…well…chocolate or no chocolate, the bunny still tastes good.”


Social Girls

What a day!  We had a lovely time at a local church conference.  The girls behaved very well, although we still have to work on the etiquette of wearing a dress.  They’re unused to having so much fabric to play with, so they can’t help but put the dress in their mouths or over their heads.  At least they could entertain themselves!

I would write more, but I’m rather tired.  As I told my mom tonight, it’s exhausting to have daughters who are such social butterflies.  They love people, and people love them – which is a great combination, but it also requires that I love people, too!  (Of course, I do…but sometimes I wish I could employ the girls’ technique of just burying my face in a nearby shoulder when I’m done talking and would rather take a nap).

Here are the girls in their dresses, right before we left for the conference:



And here we are at the end of the day – notice how the girls look much more energized than I do.  I should have followed their example and napped on the car ride home!


Some Bunny Loves You

The girls got these adorable Easter sleepers from Jim’s sister and her family.  Look at those feet!


Look at those tails!


Rebecca thought Susanna looked good enough to eat. 


A License to Cry

It’s not too often that I leave the DMV happy (other than being happy to leave), but today I was quite pleased.  I realized yesterday that my license was about to expire, so I decided to take the girls with me to the DMV today.  I picked up Jim’s grandmother to go with us, hoping she would be able to entertain the girls while I waited in line.  I was preparing myself for a miserable visit, because the girls have had a bit of stranger anxiety lately, and the DMV is full of strangers.  Furthermore, the girls are too wiggly for Jim’s grandmother to be able to hold a child for more than a minute (she’s not strong enough or steady enough to be able to bounce them on her knee or walk with them), so my options were going to be limited if the girls started crying.  I was betting that if the girls were exceptionally fussy, someone would take pity on me and usher me to the front of the line, both for my benefit and to save their own eardrums.  It didn’t help my nerves that Susanna cried the entire way from Jim’s grandmother’s place to the DMV.  And not just any cry.  It was a “I’m-furious-with-the-world-and-I’m-going-to-make-sure-the-whole-world-knows-it” cry.  I could just imagine that we were going to bring an unprecedented level of anxiety to the DMV office.

Amazingly, as soon as I unloaded the girls into their stroller, Susanna stopped crying.  She looked around the parking lot with her red, tear-streaked face as if all her troubles had vanished the instant she got out of the car.   Nana and I made our way into the office and I eyed my surroundings warily.  The DMV is like a second home to my husband, as he  goes there every few months to do who-knows-what for all the vehicles he buys and sells.  But it was NOT a second home to me.  It was more like a foreign country where all the signs were in an unintelligible language.  I had no idea which line to stand in, or whether I needed to fill out a form, or whether the DMV even took credit cards as I remembered that I had neglected to bring any cash or checks with me.  I could just picture myself waiting for hours while frantically rocking two screaming babies and then discovering that I couldn’t pay to get my licensed renewed. 

I helped Nana sit down in a corner with the girls and prayed that they would be too entranced by their new environment to even think about crying.  I started in one line, but then second guessed myself, hopped to another, and then reverted back to the original line.  Then I realized that in my worried haze, I had left my purse in the car, so I ran back out, retrieved my wallet, and came back in.  Then I realized that there were many people sitting in chairs waiting for their number to be called.  I didn’t even see where to get a number.  I finally noticed that there was an information desk way down at the end of the counter, and I gratefully got in that line.  When I made my way up to the front, the clerk instructed me to get in the line with the sign that said “Driver’s Licenses” in very large letters.  Like I said, I felt like I was in a foreign country with a strange language, so I guess that’s why I failed to comprehend the abundantly clear signage. 

All this time (which was really only about 10 minutes, even though it felt much longer), I was steeling myself for the first unhappy sounds out of the corner Nana and the girls were occupying.  But all I heard was an occasional contented babble, and I was relieved that Nana was absorbed in showing off the girls to an interested lady sitting nearby.  I waited in my new, final line for about another 15 minutes, during which the girls were positively angelic.  I eventually got up to the front, signed in all the right places, paid my fee (and yes, they took credit cards), and smiled for the camera.  Of all the things I worried about prior to the trip, I had completely forgotten about getting a new picture taken.  So I was not looking my best, to say the least.  Oh well.  These days, more often than not, I look rather disheveled, so it would be an accurate representation!

We finally emerged from the DMV, blinking in the sunlight and thrilled that our mission was accomplished with a minimum of stress.  The girls had probably been the happiest people in the place, oblivious as they were to the hassles and inanity of government offices.  I was so proud of their good behavior, and so thankful for Nana’s willing entertainment of the girls, that I treated us to McDonald’s soft-serve ice cream on the way home (the girls got their “milkshake” later on).

Now that you’ve read through my long-winded narrative, I’ll reward you with what you really came to the blog to see: a picture!

Doesn’t it look like they’re thinking: “The DMV was no big deal, Mom.  What were you so worried about?”


Indeed, it was no big deal.  I should have given the girls more credit!    

Silver Lining

Whatever happened to spring?  It was a gloomy, cold day here, complete with snow flurries.  But no worries, because…

“…I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day…


…When it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month of May…


…I’d guess, you’d say, what can make me feel this way?”

