
Because my days of immobile children are rapidly coming to an end, I decided some sort of a fenced-in play area was in order.  I followed my sister-in-law’s recommendation and purchased a Playzone, a brightly-colored structure that provides just enough room for the girls to move around, but doesn’t take over my entire living room.  The girls are very happy with their new toy, and don’t mind being penned up at all.  They had been getting kind of squished in the smallish Pack N’ Play that I was using for their playtime.  The last few weeks, I would hear indignant crying and discover that Becky was giving her sister a head massage with her feet, or that Susie was trying to jab her sister’s eyeball with a toy.  Now that they’re in a slightly larger space, hopefully we can keep the hand-to-hand combat to a minimum!       


Calling Out

If any of you receive a telephone call, but hear only panting on the other end of the line, don’t be worried…


…it’s probably Rebecca.  She’s just happy to hear your voice. 

Farewell to Friends

Tonight was the last in this series of Sunday night Children’s Meeting at our church.  The girls didn’t want to say goodbye to their friends, and were not shy in expressing their profound sadness.


In case you can’t quite appreciate the intensity of their sadness, I’ll zoom in on their faces for you:

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Poor things.  We took our girls out to Dunkin Donuts afterwards to cheer them up, but they stayed rather cranky, since I wouldn’t let them have any of their dad’s double chocolate donut.  I’m such a mean mom. 

Susie Successfully Sits!

Susanna sure surprised us by successfully (and superbly) sitting today.  Hooray!  I wasn’t expecting her to master independent sitting so soon; just yesterday, we were practicing and I couldn’t keep her balanced for more than a few seconds without her tipping over like a top-heavy bowling pin.  But Susie was bound and determined to keep up with her sister.  When I sat her down with Becky this afternoon, she simply grabbed onto the toy between them and started playing while sitting up, as if she had been doing it all her life. 


We’re so proud of you, Susie!


Susie also wanted to show that Becky wasn’t the only one who liked bits of bread.  I had the girls sitting in their high chairs while Jim and I ate dinner tonight, and the girls weren’t happy with simply watching us eat without partaking themselves.  So I placed a few bread scraps on their trays and watched what happened.  Becky preferred to be handed the bread, but Susie expertly managed to take it from the tray to her mouth (her transfer was successful about 20% of the time – the rest of the time, I was wishing we had a dog to help clean up the floor!). 


First sitting, then eating grown-up food, what’s next?  Our babies are growing up!

Our Daily Bread

Oh what a difference a day makes!  A couple of days ago, I tried to feed Rebecca a few pieces of banana.  She was less than impressed. 

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Tonight, we went out to a local restaurant with my in-laws, and in a frantic effort to appease a fussy Rebecca, I tore off a piece of my bread and put it in her hand.  I expected that she would repeat her banana-antics and simply touch it to her lips and then let it dribble down her chin.  Not this time.  It took her a while to work the morsel of bread from her palm into her mouth, but once it was in there, she was quite content.  She mashed up and down on it with her gums, as if we had slipped sticky peanut butter into the mix.  She eventually swallowed it and started looking for more.  When I held out the next crumb, her eyes widened with interest and she quickly grabbed the bread and shoveled it – this time with two hands – into her open mouth.  She probably ate about six bites of bread before we left for home.  Not bad for her first table food consumption.  It looks like Rebecca is going to take after my love of carbohydrates.  No Atkin’s Diet for us!

I took a video of the girls “chatting” with each other on the floor this afternoon.  Unfortunately, by the time I got out the camera, they had finished most of their conversation.  But I still captured a few snippets, and it gives you a little glimpse into their level of communication.  It also shows how close they are to crawling.  Susanna (on the left in the video) looks as if she could start any day. 

Spring Chickens

This afternoon felt like spring.  I know it’s been spring for a while now, but it finally felt like it.  I packed up the girls and drove over to Jim’s grandmother’s place to drag her out into the sunshine.  The four of us took a walk and breathed in the fresh air (well, two of us walked – the other two were happy to glide around from the comfort of their shaded stroller).  When the girls and I returned home, I opened up the windows and felt winter’s shadows slipping away from the corners of the house.  Rebecca woke up from her evening nap before her sister, so I took her out onto the porch where we read a book and waited for Daddy to come home.  She was so enthralled by our exotic location that she barely paid attention to my animated reading of “Jamberry.”  I suppose I ought to emulate my daughter’s turning to nature for entertainment, rather than the man-made distractions with which I typically fill my time. 

Then again, she’s fascinated by her feet.

Here’s a picture of the girls and their dad enjoying the evening air on the porch.  Judging from the girls’ adoring gazes, Daddy’s presence trumped the scenic views. 



I guess I won’t have to bother taking the girls to the zoo anytime soon.  There’s no need to leave the house – I have my own little caged lion “roaring” to amuse her sister on the other side of the screen.


No wonder some days I feel like I’m a zookeeper trying to appease the wild animals in my charge.  Good thing they’re such cute little monkeys!