
Doesn’t Jim look like SuperDad here?  One kid on his hip and another holding his hand, while simultaneously conducting a business transaction (or shooting the breeze, I’m not sure which!). 


Jim, you ARE a SuperDad (too bad I couldn’t have squeezed into your arms and you could have held all three of your doting girls…but then you would have had to be SuperMan as well, to perform that weight-lifting, wife-hoisting feat!).  I love you so much – even if you would rather carry your daughters than your wife in your arms! 🙂


Un-Slumber Party

The other day, my mom observed that the girls’ lives are kind of like one unending slumber party – their best friend is there when they go to sleep, and there when they wake up.  I liked that image, since I so fondly remember the sleepovers of my youth.  Of course, one of the best parts of the sleepover was not going to sleep when we were supposed to.  Instead, we always chatted about school and boys and friends and anything else that popped into our naive little heads.  Well, I guess Becky and Susie have already mastered the chatting-instead-of-sleeping thing.  Take a look at this video of what I heard over the monitor when I put the girls down for their afternoon nap today:

There’s not much slumbering going on at this slumber party!

What I Really Want

Do you want to know what would make this mom of twins VERY happy?

No, it’s not a trip to a spa or a night out with friends.  Although now that I think about it, those things don’t sound too bad!

But I would be very, very happy if every grocery store could be like Costco.  I don’t mean that I want my local supermarket to carry gallon-size jugs of peanut butter (I’d never fit that in my pantry).  What I want, what I would LOVE, is to find this at the grocery store:


A grocery cart (or carriage, for you New Englanders) with the space for two strapped-in children.  A double-wide, if you will.

It would make grocery shopping so much easier if I could simply strap both girls in the cart and still have plenty of room for my purchases.  I wouldn’t have to employ my current tractor-trailer system of pushing the double stroller in front of me while pulling the grocery cart behind me.  Not only is it difficult to turn corners, but it’s nearly impossible to navigate around other parked carts in the narrow aisles (yet another reason I love Costco: mega-wide aisles).

Hopefully, it won’t be long before I can stick both kids in the cart without needing to strap them in – then at least, I can place one child in the basket, and one in the larger area and just pile goodies around them.  Or I can try the technique my sister-in-law uses of wedging both kids in the basket and sticking one of each of their legs through the openings and crossing their other legs in front of them.  That’s why children are small and flexible.

But until some supermarket-chain-owning billionaire reads my blog and decides to grant my wish, I’m stuck with my unwieldy train-wreck of a system.  Or I could just do all my shopping at Costco – it would make the girls very happy!


Flower Children


Giddy Girls

When the girls are up past their bedtime, one of two things usually happens.  Either they get whiny and miserable, or they get chatty and giddy.  Tonight, we had them out late, and they thankfully chose the latter course of action. 


Here’s a video so you can see for yourself what happens when the girls should be in bed.  Susie is rambling like a mad woman (and foaming at the mouth as well), and Becky is so tired she can barely walk (she’s not usually all that steady on her feet, but tonight she was acting like a drunken sailor).  The girls were wearing these outfits the last time I posted a video of them showing off, which makes me wonder if it’s the clothes that are partly responsible for their nighttime antics.  To be fair, I guess Becky could blame the overly-long pants for her lack of surefootedness.  I suppose I would be tripping as well if I were stepping on my pant legs!

A Day in Review

In case anyone was wondering what we do on the boat all day, the answer’s simple!  We spend the day…





Mastercraft-gear wearing






And oh yeah, and we actually spend a little time behind the boat doing extreme tube riding:


as well as some extreme tube crashing!


And here’s a quick video of our friend Maria playing with Susie.  It sums up our boating activities quite well: We play with the kids, and talk about food.  A perfect combination!

All Smiles

We went out to dinner tonight, and the girls enjoyed grinning and waving at the other patrons while stuffing their faces with bits of my dinner.  I wished I had a camera in the restaurant so I could have captured their smiles and the smiles of those around us.  But these smiles are pretty close!



I Scream for Ice Cream

Nothing could dampen the girls’ excitement over their first excursion to the ice cream parlor…




…Except maybe for a BRAIN FREEZE!


Pajamas and Politics

It was one of those cool fall mornings where it just felt right to stay in our pajamas…for much longer than is socially acceptable.  But hey, that’s one of the benefits of being home by ourselves, right?


Since it’s just the three of us during the day, we can also be our normal silly selves and nobody is the wiser.


We did eventually get out of our pajamas, though, before leaving the house this evening.  We had to look presentable for the girls’ foray into politics.  We attended a local town hall meeting on healthcare reform.  The girls didn’t actually hear much of the Q & A, since they were taken for a stroller ride by my mother-in-law while I listened.  But apparently Susie wanted to make sure her opinion was known, because she babbled excitedly the entire drive home.  We’ve got a little political activist on our hands!    

Backseat Walking

The tables are turned.  Just as Susie outpaced Becky in the crawling department, Becky is now walking (albeit gingerly) while Susie is standing still.  But the sisters have found a way to level the playing field, and enable them both to move about in unison. 

Introducing…the Duo Walker!  Although it’s technically just a regular walker, this nifty arrangement enables both girls to feel like they’re making progress.  Becky stands behind the walker and pushes, as if she’s navigating a stroller, and Susie moves her feet and thinks she’s the one propelling them ahead.  It’s a fantastic arrangement where each girl is happy and thinks they’re in charge! 


You can see from the video that both girls think they’re hot stuff!