Shoot Me Now

I had put it off long enough.

It was time. 

I had no choice but to attempt the near-impossible.

***Cue ominous music***

I did it.  I finally sat the girls down for a Christmas card photo shoot today.

I know for you blog readers it must seem odd to read that I intensely dreaded this photo shoot, since I’m obviously constantly snapping pictures of the girls.  I think my fear stemmed from the fact that I would wanted to catch both girls not only looking at the camera at the same time but also SMILING at the same time (and not the fake, cheesy smile they’re so good at).  Add in my desire for them to be wearing matching unstained clothes, seated in front of a nice backdrop, and with their wispy hair at least partially under control, and I was a nervous wreck.

You’re probably thinking I was overreacting, but I’m here to tell you the photo shoot went as badly as I had feared.  It didn’t help that I was under a time crunch, because we were doing it before church this morning (I figured I couldn’t be sure that their pretty dresses would still be looking pretty after spending hours at church).  The girls woke up with unruly hair that even copious amounts of water couldn’t tame, and they were more interested in looking down at their new dresses or over at the Christmas tree or up her sister’s nose than straight at the camera .  I took 77 pictures in a very short period of time, and I was hard-pressed to identify more than a couple that were acceptable. 

But even though the session was stressful, we did end up with one I liked enough to send to our family and friends (speaking of which, if you normally send us Christmas cards and don’t have our new address, let me know and I’ll update you.  I’m sorry I never got around to sending out change of address cards!).  And looking at the uploaded pictures was actually quite entertaining, as I saw frame after frame of our goofy girls being their normal, adorable, goofy selves.  That’s one of the reasons I’m so thankful I have this blog to look back upon, so I can remember those goofy moments that aren’t captured in formal photo sessions and that typically grace the walls of a home.

I won’t publish the winning photograph here quite yet (although I will reveal that, despite the picture’s cuteness, I was NOT successful in getting them to both look at the camera), but I will give you a sneak peek into some of the faces that ended up on the so-called cutting room floor, but that brought me joy nonetheless.









Reading Material

I know I probably shouldn’t condone reading at the table, but it’s so cute.  And plus, it’s hard to discipline her for something I do all the time!


Yes, my children like to have TWO cups with their breakfast: one for warm milk and one for ice water.  Yikes, have I created two (well-hydrated) monsters or what?

Pillow Buddies

I love it when the girls voluntarily share a pillow! 


Laying Around

Some rainy days are just meant for laying around. 


It wasn’t exactly an exciting day, but fortunately, tickle-fests and pretend picnics still register high on the girls’ thrill meter! 

Thinking Ahead


Watch out, Grampy – I’m already preparing the girls for our next family Rummikub match. 


Susie: “As soon as I learn my numbers, Grampy, your winning streak is O-V-E-R.  And I’ll spell that out for you as soon as I learn my letters, too.” 

Early Birds, Anyone?

I’m not a morning person.  I wish I were.  It seems like morning people get so much more done in the day, and I’m impressed by their ability to face the day head-on, rather than head-down-on-my-pillow, as I tend to do. 

I don’t know yet whether the girls will be morning people or not, since their early-hour attitudes seem to fluctuate based on the weather, or the phase of the moon, the state of my hair, or some combination of the three.  But I’m holding out hope that they’ll be strong enough to shake off their inherited sleepyhead genes and greet the world with a good deal more vim and vigor than I can usually muster. 

As long as that “vim” waits to manifest itself until at least 7:30 a.m.


Becky (far crib): “Mom, what on earth do you think you’re doing with that camera at this hour?”


Susie: “I’m ready for my close-up any time.” 


Becky: “Did someone say breakfast?” 

All to Ourselves

Jim was fortunate enough to be able to take some time off from work this past week, and the girls and I were thrilled to spend a lot of time with him.  It was so nice to have him all to ourselves!




Giving Thanks for the Memories

Sorry for my absence from the blogging world the last few days; life got so busy with entertaining and recovering from entertaining that I didn’t get my usual downtime at the end of the day to post.  But I am happy to say that even though I don’t have much photo documentation to show you, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  It was such a blessing to be surrounded by many of our friends and family who came from near and far to make it an amazing day.  Here are the girls spending quality time after dinner with our friend Jon and his dad Ted:


As you can tell, Ted enjoyed his turkey-induced coma…


…and Jon was amused by Becky’s attempts to decipher a book about square-dancing farm animals, and Susie multi-tasked while feeding her new doll to make sure Becky was getting the words right.  It was great fun all around!

We then had some dear friends from Pennsylvania visit on Friday night, and then my aunt and uncle from California visited us today.  The girls are going to be bored silly next week when the only person they have to play with is me! 


We were so excited my aunt and uncle were able to take time out of their busy trip visiting their daughter in Massachusetts to come down and spend time with us today.  My Uncle Bruce hadn’t seen the girls in person since they were about five months old, and the girls did their part to demonstrate how far they’ve come with their mile-a-minute vocabulary, somersaulting skills, and full-fledged two-year-old-ness. 

If you’re reading this, Uncle Bruce and Maureen, the girls are still talking about your visit – you made a wonderful impression on them.  Thanks again for driving down to see us!        


In part due to the season, I’ve been reflecting lately on the innumerable blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon our family.  I am so thankful for our Savior, for my husband, for our girls, for our baby, for my parents, my in-laws, my sister, my sister-in-law and her family, my friends near and far…I don’t really have the right words to express how grateful I am for the life I am living.  But the Lord has made it clear that we should be storing up treasures in Heaven, rather than here on earth, and I pray that He will continually direct my eyes above.  It’s easy for me to get too focused on the here and now, at the expense of the eternal.  I pray that He will keep me mindful of the needs of others, and help me to stay grounded in His Word, and His priorities, always looking for opportunities to share the good news of His great love. 

So tomorrow, as we sit down at tables overflowing with food and surrounded by friends and family, I pray that the Lord would touch each of our hearts with the things that touch His.  May we be moved to compassion and action for the lost sinners, needy souls, and struggling saints around us.  May we glorify His Name by elevating His Son.   

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21).       


I know I recently posted some examples of the girls’ quirky comments and observations, but I was so amused by the following exchange that I had to share it as well.  I overheard this conversation taking place last night over the monitor, after the girls had been in bed for a half an hour. 

Susie: “What’s the matter?

Becky:  “No – I tired."

Susie: “What’s the matter?

Becky:  “No – I tired."

Susie: “What’s the matter?

Becky (loudly): “NO!  I tired!  Go away Suey!"

Susie: "Oh."

Becky (softly and kindly): “Nigh nigh Suey.  I tired.  I go to sleep."



I thought that Susie had finally taken the hint when I didn’t hear anything more for a few minutes.  But soon I heard hysterical giggling, followed by the melodic strains of two voices singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” intermixed with portions of the “ABC’s.”  They continued chattering and singing off and on for another hour.  I guess my night-owl Susie convinced her sleepy sister to stay up and keep her company.

And there was another country heard from tonight.  The girls’ little sibling decided not to be left out of the action – I felt a few baby movements!  I can only imagine what kind of a ruckus the three kids are going to raise when they’re all together!