Just a Spoonful…

I’m happy to report that the girls slept better last night, and while they aren’t completely back to normal yet, I think they’re on the mend.  Susanna still has times of the day where she doesn’t want to be out of my arms, which made picture-taking a bit difficult this afternoon.  But I managed to shoot a quick video while the girls were occupied with their dinner.  I thought I would give you a glimpse into their current unwieldy utensil-wielding status.  They don’t manage to get much in their mouths when using a spoon (or even two, in Susie’s case), but they sure have fun trying. 

DISCLAIMER: Don’t watch this video if you’re queasy about seeing messy mouths combined with runny noses (ahem…that’s you, Jim!).

A Hard Day’s Night

Some days are longer than other days.  Especially days that are preceded by long nights.

Both girls are still sick with colds, and yesterday Susie was diagnosed with a double ear infection.  She hadn’t been pulling at her ears or acting like she was in pain, but she wasn’t her normal peppy self, so I took her to the pediatrician and came home with good ol’ Amoxicillin.  But my biggest concerns for both the girls right now are their coughs.  Becky sounds like she’s been a pack-a-day smoker for fifty years, and Susie gets on these coughing jags where she can’t stop.  Hence the long night last night. 

I really shouldn’t complain.  I’ve had so few nights like that in the last year that I consider myself extremely blessed.  And even when the girls are clingy and tired and their noses are running like faucets, they still melt my heart.  Susie laid in bed with me for a minute this morning  (for literally only a minute – she’s not into laying down anyplace other than her crib), and I gazed into those blue, blue eyes and she grinned at me around her wet thumb.  Later today, Becky was sitting on my lap and Susie requested to come up as well.  I anticipated a revolt on Becky’s part for having to share my lap, but once Susie was sitting beside her, Becky leaned over and planted a slobbery kiss on Susie’s forehead. 

It’s moments like those that get me through the long nights.  And it’s moments like those that reduce me to a softie.  A softie who can’t say no when Susie wants to have Elmo at the dinner table. 


Susie: “Elmo makes everything taste better when you have a cold.”


Becky: “Hey!  Where’s my Elmo?  Oh well.  I still think everything tastes good.”


Those are my girls.  My germy, sticky, amazing little girls.

Having a Ball

Because my previous attempt at simple entertainment was so well received by the girls, I figured I would continue the trend with some more old-fashioned toys: a ball and string.  

At first, the girls were a little befuddled by the simplicity of my suggestion:  Here’s a ball, here’s some string.  Go play!  


I think Susie was looking for the ball’s on-off switch.

But soon, the kids did what kids do best – they improvised.  They wore the string as a bracelet and a headband.  They played tug-of-war.  And of course, they played the classic game of keep-away.  Twins are especially well-practiced at the game of keep-away.   


These games only kept them entertained for a few minutes while I tried to clean up from dinner, but it gave me hope that the girls don’t need fancy toys to keep them occupied.  They don’t need flashing lights or remote controls to pass the time.

But don’t tell their Dad!


Healthy Appetites

The girls have had miserable colds the past few days, but that hasn’t put a dent in their appetites. 


I guess you don’t need to be able to breathe out of your nose to enjoy a good snack!




Susie (on right): “Hey you with the camera!  What are you doing taking pictures?  My bowl’s almost empty!”

Pillow Prancing

Ah, the joys of easy entertainment.  At 17 months old, the girls don’t need video games, iPods, or Barbie dolls. 

All they need is a pillow in the middle of the room.

Their lack of balance and coordination does the rest. 


This isn’t exactly a thrilling video, but it gives you the flavor of our evening.  Three cheers for mindless fun!


My in-laws were out in Arizona visiting their daughter and her family for a week.  I know I missed having them nearby, and apparently so did the girls.  When they came over tonight for dinner, the girls ran around like the circus had come to town!  Becky was especially affectionate with her Pappy.  She rarely leaves my arms voluntarily when there are other people around, but tonight, she repeatedly asked to be picked up by Pappy.  She bestowed multiple kisses on him, and clung to his side as if she was worried he would walk out and leave her again.  We’re all glad to have you home, Bubba and Pappy!



A Word in Season

On Tuesdays, we typically head out to a local toddler Story Hour, which means that the girls miss their morning nap.  It’s a small price to pay for the socialization – for them and for me.  The girls’ weariness is generally overcome by their excitement at interacting with (or just watching, slack-jawed) other small children.  It’s not until we arrive back home that their fatigue catches up with them, and they wander around the house, whining and restless.  Now that I think about it, maybe their behavior is due less to lack of sleep, and more to the disappointment at once again being home with only each other and me to look at all day…hmm…In any case, the three of us are always very ready for their afternoon nap to come.

I was especially eager today for the girls to rest, as I’ve been fighting a persistent headache, and I was hoping to be able to lay down for a few minutes while the girls slept.  So when it was nearly naptime, I gathered Becky into my lap and asked her in what I assumed was a rhetorical voice, “What time is it?”  To my surprise, she looked up and said, “Nigh-Nigh!” (translation: Night-Night, which is what I call naptime).  I nearly cried tears of joy, both because I considered this to be her first word, and because I was really ready for all of us to go to bed.  I thoroughly congratulated her on her intelligence and perceptiveness, and ushered the girls upstairs. 

Becky was indeed ready for naptime, and she took a good long sleep, but Susie must have decided that since she wasn’t the one to respond to my question, she wasn’t going to go “Nigh-Nigh.”  She alternatingly fussed and played in her crib for the duration of their naptime, which meant that sleep eluded me as well.  However, I was instead able to use the time to get some much-needed cleaning done, and fortunately my headache subsided somewhat as well. 

I’m not completely positive that “Nigh-Nigh” is in fact Becky’s first word, because on New Year’s Day, she might have uttered a version of “Cracker” or “Cookie” that sounded like “cuh-cuh.”  But I wasn’t sure if she had spoken the word spontaneously, or she was simply repeating the sounds after I said them.  Both girls are getting better at that.  They can repeat “Hi” (“Eye-eee”), “Tommy” (“Tah-eee), “Yay,” and my niece Alli will be happy to know that Susie even repeated her name this evening (“Ayeee”), but they don’t say any of those things without me saying them first.  And of course, they’ve been saying “Mama,” “Dada,” and also “Bubba,” which is their collective name for Jim’s parents.  So while my mom confidently informs me that my first word was “Light,” I’m not similarly certain of the girls’ first words.  But for the sake of their baby book (which, for all intents and purposes, is this blog), I’m announcing that Becky’s first word is “Nigh-Nigh.”  Does she get extra points for the two syllables?

But all this “Nigh-Nigh” talk is making me sleepy.  I’m going to go join the girls in slumberland.  Nigh-Nigh, dear readers!

Sweet Tooth

Many of you know that Susie not only enjoys her food, but she enjoys it audibly.  Ever since she started eating solid foods, she punctuates her chewing with appreciative “Yum…Yum” murmurings.  This practice is especially pronounced when she consumes anything sweet, like bananas or cookies. 

So this afternoon, while I was in the kitchen preparing lunch for the girls, I didn’t think twice about hearing a loud “Yum…Yum” emanating from the dining room.

That is, until I realized I hadn’t served the girls any food yet. 

I remembered that when I placed her in her high chair, she had ogled all the Christmas decorations that were piled on the dining room table in preparation for the season’s end.  To keep her content while I finished making her sandwich, I had handed her a candle.  To be specific, it was a Yankee Candle “tart warmer” insert.  I had figured the design on the front would occupy her for the few remaining minutes before lunch.

Well, occupy her it did.  I quickly approached Susie and saw that she was vigorously munching on the candle.  I grabbed it out of her mouth and told her she shouldn’t eat things that aren’t food.  Susie looked up at me with a look of pained disbelief, and promptly burst into tears.

Confused by the intensity of her outcry, I looked down at the candle. 


Poor Susie!  No wonder she was upset that I yanked the thing out of her mouth.  Not only did it look like a cookie and smell like a cookie – it even SAID cookie on it!  Not that she can read yet…

She had just assumed I was letting her eat her dessert first, and here I was rudely and abruptly changing my mind.  To make up for this perceived injustice, I gave her extra peaches for dessert.  It wasn’t quite a cookie, but it was better than wax.  Or was it…she had been enjoying the wax, after all!     

Pennsylvania Pictures


Becky: “Wheee!  I love it when Kim uses me to do her bicep curls!”


Becky: “Maybe if I sit really still, no one will notice me here and I can stay and play longer.”


Susie: “Where’s the horn on this thing?  Get outta my way, Becky!”


Susie: “These are our champion smiles.  We make a good racing team!”


Adrianna (on right):”You better not come near my toys, Becky!”


Susie: “I love sitting on Aunt Joyce’s lap when I get to munch on treats and learn tricks from Uncle Joe like sliding my bottle across the table.”


Susie: “Yeah – family is the best – but dessert is right up there.”


Susie (on floor in front of couch): “You’re all looking at me, right?”


Susie: “I found a new Wii balance board.  It’s softer on my feet.”


Susie: “Oh no!  Mama found us!  It’s all Megan’s fault for exposing me to Trouble – with a Capital T that rhymes with P that stands for POOL!”


Susie: “Here, Beck – you take this phone.  I’m ready for an upgrade.”


Becky: “Woohoo!  I’m gonna call my cousins and tell them we wish they were here!”


Becky: “I’m doing my best Joe Cool impersonation.  Is it working?”


Becky: “We’re such good drivers now, I think we can help Dad with the trip home.”

Party Favors

We just returned from a road trip to Pennsylvania to visit friends and family.  We had a wonderful time ringing in the New Year surrounded by so many loved ones.  I was too busy enjoying myself to take many pictures that night, but here’s a couple of the girls with their second cousins, Chloe and Lauren:



Chloe and Lauren are sisters, and when they noticed that Becky is a brunette and Susie is a blonde, Chloe designated Becky as “mine” and Lauren was happy to claim Susie.  But then when I explained that Becky likes her toys to be clean and uncluttered, and Susie likes to mess hers up, the big girls had to switch ownership according to their own habits.  So, through the night, various comparisons based on eating habits and temperament emerged.  It was eventually decided that the little girls each took after both of the big girls, and everyone was happy.  Especially when ice cream was served and Chloe and Lauren’s grandpa let my girls eat most of his mint ice cream cup.  Between all the attention and all the sweets, I think my girls wished it was New Year’s Eve every day!