Lost and Found

The next time I’m lacking a sock when folding laundry, I now have one more place to look:

The refrigerator door. 


Maybe they were trying to match colors?  I have no idea what they were thinking when they put it up there!  

Soccer Net



Becky (on left): “Ack!!  You’re stuck the other side of that net!!!!!

Susie: “Don’t have a cow!  No, really…don’t have a cow.  I already have one in my hand.  I don’t need another one.”   

Gotta Love It

I’ve found yet another aspect of motherhood I love: Getting to spend hot summer afternoons outdoors.



Jim found yet another motorized vehicle for the girls to fall in love with: a jet ski.


And although Susie loves a good watercraft just as much as the next toddler, she’s all about the cars:


I don’t think he’s proud of his powersports-obsessed girls at all – do you?


Milkshakes Milestone

If you can’t tell already, I’m big into food-related milestones.  The other day, the girls had their first milkshakes.  It made them as happy as you’d expect; I think they were pretty excited they could basically suck ice cream through a straw.  And I was excited that it involved less clean-up than an ice cream cone!   


Duck and Cover

This morning I found Susie practicing her “duck and cover” earthquake routine.


I think she misses California.