Da Plane, Da Plane

I know I frequently speculate about the girls’ future careers, but I have to add one more to the list: pilots.  These girls LOVE planes – flying on them, looking at them, pointing them out in the sky.  Perhaps their affection comes from the fact that planes go very fast and have big engines (these are Jim’s kids we’re talking about, after all!), or perhaps because they associate planes with wonderful trips to see beloved friends and family.  I know I do! 



Everyone’s a Critic

I thought it would take a few years before I started to embarrass my children.

While I was driving in the car with the girls today, I had one of their favorite CDs playing.  And like usual, I was occasionally joining in on the chorus or a particularly infectious line.  “…If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands…”  I don’t have a good singing voice, but I thought it would take the girls a while before they came to that realization.  I thought that at least THEY, of all people, could put up with my enthusiastic, if tone deaf, crooning.

This afternoon, after I had added my vocals to a bouncy rendition of “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or something of the sort, I heard a little voice pipe up from the back seat:

“No Mommy sing.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant, so I continued singing.  Then that voice came again:

“No Mommy sing.”

Well, even though I may be tone deaf, I’m not deaf deaf, so I took the hint and kept my mouth shut.  But the song was so irresistible that I couldn’t help but keep the beat with my free hand while driving. 

Then the voice again:

“No Mommy clap.”   

Next thing I know, they’re going to be critiquing my dance moves! 

Flower Child

It’s always nice to have a little time at the end of the day to stop and smell the flowers.


Or kiss them, whatever works. 

A Clean Sweep

It’s a good thing I have such willing helpers to assist with my new floor sweeping responsibilities:



Hey, in this house – if you make the mess, you clean it up! 

The Slope Intercept

I love our new house.  I love the design, I love the location, but I especially love the driveway.  The FLAT driveway (or at least, flat relative to our last house.  Our current driveway has a slight incline, but the former driveway was reminiscent of a black diamond ski slope).

At our other house, the girls never could have driven their ATVs without me preparing to catch them at the bottom as they hurtled toward me at warp-speed.   


Here, they can mosey along without fear of massive bodily injury (okay, maybe THEY never feared that, but I sure did).  


Hooray for our newfound non-death-defying outdoor playtime! 

Happy Fourth

After we got home from church today, we were too tired from the busy weekend to attempt a Fourth of July BBQ, so we headed out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner and took a relaxing walk on the nearby bike path:


Here is Susie seeing eye-to-eye with Gabe:


And in lieu of sparklers or fireworks, Pappy bought the girls glow sticks:


Although this picture is dark, it gives you an idea of how excited the girls were to wave around their new glowing wands:


So even in the absence of BBQ or fireworks, it was still a wonderful holiday! 

Moving Day

Thanks to a bunch of our friends and family over the past few days (to whom we are deeply indebted for the use of their arms, legs and backs – oh, and heads, since there were a few logistical challenges to overcome), we are now comfortably and happily moved into our new home.

The girls spent the evening romping around, goofing off for everyone and even breaking in the new house with the first stair-related injury.  Poor Susie tumbled down our back patio steps, giving herself a significant shiner in the process.  Fortunately, her injuries were still minor enough that she was instantly soothed by a handful of potato chips from our fast-thinking friend Jon.

I failed to document the moving process in pictures like I had planned (it’s tough to wield a camera while carrying boxes), but hopefully you’ll enjoy these few photographs I took at the end of the busy day.   

The girls were relieved to find we had brought their favorite TV rocker to the new house:


And they cooled off from all their new-house-running by dipping their toes in the pool:


Here’s some of the crew enjoying their hard-earned rest (well, Becky’s wasn’t really hard-earned, since all she did was show up after the heavy lifting was done):


And here I am with my dear friend Carrie, without whom I simply couldn’t have made this move with my sanity intact:


And here are the girls enjoying their delicious moving-day cake, courtesy of Alli:


What a day it has been.  We feel so blessed to have a roof over our heads and friends and family on whom we can depend.  I think I’m going to now go and collapse into our new bed and hopefully not get startled when I wake up in a new room!   

Back to the Beach







Kissing Cousins





In the Meantime

I’m anticipating I won’t have much time for blogging in the midst of moving chaos (although isn’t that life with toddlers in general – moving, often fast moving, chaos?), but I’ll try to upload a few pictures from our trip to Ocean City, NJ now and then.  Enjoy!



