Breakfast of Champions

How do you combine a few of my favorite things, all in one spot?


Go out to IHOP with my favorite ladies, eat lots of pancakes and have lots of laughs!  Thanks for the wonderful time yesterday, Maria and Laura!   

Gooey Goodness

Nothing like homemade S’mores to end the day.  


Hope your day was filled with gooey goodness! 


I interrupt our normally scheduled blog post for this late-breaking announcement:

Susie successfully used the potty twice today!


Let’s hope we can keep this trend going! 

Chilly, but Fun

Q: How do you know when you’re desperate for spring to arrive?

A: When you spread out a blanket for a picnic in the driveway while a foot of snow still covers the yard.


Hurry up, Spring!  We want our grass back! 

A Song and a Half

Earlier this afternoon, Becky sang a perfect rendition of her ABC’s and I realized that I hadn’t yet caught her performance on video.  So I got out the camera and asked her to sing her ABC’s for me.  After bobbling the first few letters, she hit her stride and did well with the rest of the song.  She even agreed to sing me a second song of her choice, but as you’ll see, she didn’t make it quite to the end.  If you turn up the volume on your computer during the last part of the video, you can hear her explain, “I want to just see Susie.”  I guess she couldn’t be at her best without her constant companion in the audience!