
Can you guess what the girls are pretending to do here?


Believe it or not, it has to do with the girls’ current obsession, the movie “Cinderella.”  

One of the scenes in that movie depicts the stepsisters practicing their flutes while their mother accompanies them on the piano (here’s a clip from YouTube if you’re having trouble recalling the song: Sing Sweet Nightingale).  I never thought my girls had paid much attention to that scene, since it didn’t focus on their beloved princess.  But this morning, the girls were prancing around the kitchen with crayons pressed to their lips, pretending to be the stepsisters.  It just goes to show how closely kids watch EVERYTHING.  And how much money we’re going to have to shell out for music lessons! 


Reading Chair

Who knew infant car seats were so multi-purpose?


Men in Blue



Did you know that my girls are budding mycologists?

Do you know what a mycologist is?

Me neither.

It’s just a fancy name for a mushroom expert, which I discovered while trying to identify the spore in our front yard.

Take a look:


Here’s Susie smelling the “flower.”


Kinda pretty, don’t you think?  My best guess is that this particular mushroom is a “chicken of the woods,” so-called because it supposedly tastes like chicken. 

I’ll take their word on that one. 

Good thing Jim doesn’t like exotic foods, because there’s no way I’m going to be frying up that chicken.  

What I Love

Know what I love about visiting Nana?

The hugs.  


Lots of hugs.


I bet Jimmy would have given her hugs if he could. 


But what I love the most

Seeing her smile. 


First Feeding

Jimmy’s been eyeing my food lately, so I figured it was time to give him some of his own. 


He liked it. 


I foresee large grocery bills in my near future to keep up with this big guy’s appetite.  

Excuses, Excuses

Reason # 1,000,001 that I love being a mom:

I have a great excuse to spend an hour outside on a sunny afternoon.


Three great excuses, that is (they also give me an excuse to eat Keebler cookies).   


(One not pictured above because he was enjoying the afternoon too much.)


Curtain Call

Just when I thought it was safe to let the girls play by themselves in their room…


…they pull down the curtains.  I thought I had until Jimmy started walking before I had to bolt everything to the wall!     


Ten years ago, American history changed forever.

It’s strange that my kids will grow up in a world with no World Trade Center towers, no undamaged Pentagon, no unbloodied Pennsylvania countryside.  They will never know the innocence of an unattacked America.  They have never known an America not at war.

So often these days it feels like we are experiencing catastrophe after catastrophe.  We aren’t safe abroad, we aren’t safe at home – we aren’t even safe in our homes. 

But it is possible to look forward to the future.  Not because we could elect a President who would appease the international communities.  Not because we could build structures impervious to bombs or planes or intruders.  No, sin will always infect this world.  But this world is not our home.  We are here for such a short span of time – some much shorter than others – and then we will be in eternity.  

Can you look forward to your future?  Who are you trusting for your safety?  The government?  The military?  They may save your body, but they can never save your soul.  Trust in the Lord, and the sacrifice of His Son for your sins.  "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7).

“Jesus is coming! His saints to release;
Coming to give to the warring earth peace:
Sinning and sighing, and sorrow shall cease.
Jesus is coming again.”

– Daniel Whittle

Flower Girls

I try to do things with the girls’ hair, I really do.  But I’m limited by the length of their tresses, my lack of hairdressing expertise, and the girls’ own reluctance to leave anything in their hair for more than two minutes.  I buy clips by the dozen, and they all seem to disappear in a matter of a week.  But apparently I haven’t learned my lesson, because when we were shopping recently I purchased a pair of floral headbands in the hopes that they would stay put for longer than the clips.  When we got home, the girls begged to put them on, and I was hopeful we were about to experience a breakthrough.  I placed them on top of their heads with all the pomp of a crowning ceremony.  The girls looked gorgeous and were enthralled for a minute or two…and then yanked them off.

Good thing I was quick with the camera.      

