
Becky created this “princess” for me to see. The princess may be a blockhead, but Becky’s not!


Where There’s a Will

The girls NEVER would have thought of standing on something to grab an out-of-reach contraband object.  


I’m not sure whether Jimmy’s ingenuity is due to his physical coordination or simply his willful personality!  Although his physical coordination may also be in question, since he tumbled from his perch just seconds after I snapped the picture! 

Mountaintop Fun



Egg Heads

I’m not crafty.  Not with decorating, not with kid activities, and definitely not with food.  But when I saw this idea in Family Fun magazine, I had to try it.  All you do is decorate hardboiled eggs to look like bunnies and chicks with a few on-hand ingredients.  Tasty and cute! 


Although the recipe called for black sesame seeds for the eyes, I thought mini chocolate chips worked just as well (and they certainly made the girls happy!).  The “feather tufts” are chives, and the nose is a carrot. 


The bunnies (or long-eared mice, depending on how hard you squint), gave me a little more trouble.  The recipe said to use chives for the whiskers, but I couldn’t get them to stay in the egg properly, so I resorted to broken toothpicks. 


I thought the little rooster was cute.  I only did one of him, using carrot instead of bell pepper for the feet and cockscomb, but he was probably my favorite!


Cock-a-doodle-do to you!

Vacation Pic Round-Up
