Bedtime Book

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My Jims

Whether they’re shoveling together…

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Or plowing together (you can barely make out the bundled up kid tucked behind Jim)…

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Or napping together (or pretending to nap in someone’s case!)…

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My Jims are two peas in a pod!

At Least His Head and Hand are Warm

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Me, seeing the girls sitting in the corner talking to each other: “What are you girls doing over there?”

Susie: “We’re just having a little conversation.  That doesn’t mean that you can interrupt what we’re doing.”


Me: “What’s the most important rule of this house?”

(I expected them to answer something along the lines of obeying Mom and Dad, or honoring God…)

Susie: “Never wake up your brothers!”


Jimmy: “I can’t talk.  I have too many hiccups in my tummy.”


Me, prompting Jimmy to help me remember my grocery list on the way to the store: “What do we need again at the grocery store?”

Jimmy: “Apples?”

Me: “Yup.”

Jimmy: “Eggs?”

Me: “Yup.”

Jimmy: “Pancakes?”

Me: “Um, no.”

Jimmy: “Monkeys?”

Me: “Um…no.”


Susie, after I tucked her into bed: “Mom, what I need is a long winter’s nap.”

Santa’s Lap Snapshot

What I imagine is going through their heads…

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Becky: “I’m in pain here.” (Literal pain, actually – the kid had just fallen and bonked her head a few minutes before!)

Danny: “If this guy tries any funny business, I’m going to scream bloody murder.  Are you elves paying attention?” 

Susie: “I better be on Santa’s nice list!”

Jimmy: “You can make me sit here, but you can’t make me smile.”

Santa: “Ho ho ho, this kid better not pee on me!”

Jim and I, off camera: “We know this is kid torture, but we love it and we’re willing to shell out a pretty penny for the snapshot!!”

She’s Getting It

Here’s a video of Susie learning to sound out words.  It’s not the most scintillating footage, but it’s exciting for her (and me) as she starts to put it all together!  (You’ll have to pardon the loud munching noise of the three other kids eating their bedtime snack):

Sweet Dreams

In yet another step toward leaving their little girl days behind them, Becky and Susie now sleep in bona fide big girl beds.  They’ve been on mattresses on the floor for about a month now, but tonight Jim assembled their very own beautiful wood beds (which have the potential to bunk in the future if I can ever convince myself I’m not asking for head injuries by allowing a child to sleep up that high!).  I know most kids leave their cribs behind much, much earlier than the girls, but for a variety of reasons the cribs worked very well for our family.  I had told the girls that if they could stay dry at night, they could earn the right to have new beds, and so this fall they did just that.  I’m so proud of the girls, and I’m excited for this new transition.  I have a hunch that Jimmy won’t be staying in his crib until age 5 – he’s already pleading for a big boy bed of his own (but given that we just moved Danny on an experimental basis into Jimmy’s room a few nights ago, I don’t see that happening any time soon!).

Here’s Jim putting the beds together with four eager helpers:  

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The girls were so excited:

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Sweet dreams!

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First Snow Day

The kids and I had a great time playing in the snow today (did I really just say that?  I guess New England is finally freezing the California out of me! :)). 

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CEOs-in-Training Wear Footie Pajamas Too

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Keep Dancing

You know you have school-age kids in the house when a trip to the pediatrician diagnoses one daughter with scarlet fever and the other with pink eye and strep!  I’m just so thankful for access to antibiotics so my little ballerinas can keep dancing!

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