Big Sisters

The boys sure are lucky to have their big sisters!

Through the Looking Glass

Yup, Tommy the cat is still around.  We don’t see him much these days, as the next-door neighbors have unofficially adopted him (more specifically, Tommy adopted them).  But we still see enough of him.  The other day, the kids were out playing in the yard and Tommy strolled over.  Jimmy LOVES the cat, and he enthusiastically rambled up to the feline to pet/hug/squish him.  Tommy wasn’t keen on the idea, so he gave Jimmy a bite.  Now, Jimmy walks around pointing to his wrist saying, “Boo boo.  Cat.  Boo boo” in a sorrowful voice.  I don’t think he’s sorry the cat bit him; he’s just sorry he’s now banned from thinking about touching the furry creature. 

All that to say, some pets are best kept at arm’s length.  Or behind glass!   

Before Bed

Say Cheese

Wind in Her Hair