
Danny’s build is much more solid than the other kids’ have been (in fact, he and Jimmy share quite a bit of clothing!).  I joke that he’s a bigger guy because his siblings are constantly giving him their leftovers, which he gratefully accepts.  I recently found Danny on the kitchen floor, emptying out the remains of his sister’s lunch after school.  I guess that happens when you’re the fourth kid – you’ve got to forage for your own snacks!

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Making a Mitt

Jimmy is determined to be a baseball player like the ones his daddy watches on TV.  He even fashioned a “mitt” out of a hand towel.  He’s a resourceful little fella!

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Just Like Pappy

Not only does Danny look a little like his Pappy, he seems to favor the same drink as his Pappy – he wandered around all afternoon clutching a can of Diet Coke!

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Mum’s the Word

Susie loves gardening (at least, in theory).  There’s nothing in our yard growing other than weeds, so I bought her a potted mum for her to care for this fall.  She diligently checks it every day to make sure it’s thriving.  I’m hoping she can teach ME a thing or two about gardening!

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Books, Blocks and Blankets

What better place to play with books and blocks than under a blanket tent?

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Adventure by Becky

The girls went on a four-wheeling “adventure” with their daddy this weekend in our backyard, complete with them having to winch themselves off a tree trunk.  Here’s the dramatic tale, according to Becky (with a few interjections from the peanut gallery)!

My Quotable Kid

Jimmy, instructing his brother to not follow him: “Stay, Danny…like a dog.”


Jimmy: “Chipmunks like chips.”


My friend Carrie asked Jimmy “Do you like fish?”  Jimmy answered, “Swedish fish.”


When we got home from eating out one night, Jimmy made a beeline for the candy bowl, even though he hadn’t asked my permission.  He apparently decided that forgoing his French fries at a restaurant entitled him to dessert at home: “Me ate fries, NO. Me have candy.”  I wondered if his dad had said he could have candy if he skipped fries, and so I asked: “Who said you could do that?”  He answered, “Me.”    


I’m trying to teach Jimmy to stop, look and listen for cars before crossing a road.  So when we got to the edge of our driveway the other day, I paused because I thought I heard a car in the distance.  I quizzed Jimmy, “Do you hear something?”  He nodded and said, “Yes!  Crickets!” 


We were eating lunch at Costco at a table beside a dad and his young son.  The boy was very sweet and smiling at us, so I waved and said, “Jimmy, can you say hi and tell the little boy your name?”   Jimmy didn’t answer me, even after I asked him a second time.  He just sat slurping his water through a straw.  “Jimmy, are you being shy?” I asked.  He answered, “I not shy.  I busy.”  

Brothers and Bugs

Inspecting the local wildlife together (I hope they don’t mistake each other for a bug that needs to be squashed!):

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Fall Social

The girls’ school had their annual Fall Family Social, and we had a blast!  My kids are sure easily pleased – paint their faces and give them cupcakes, and they’re on cloud nine.  🙂

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Anything for a Laugh

Isn’t it true that the youngest kid does anything for a laugh!? 

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Danny was making faces in the shower glass while his siblings egged him on.  You can just make out the girls’ giggly reflection in the bath.  It was quite the in-tub entertainment!