Only to a Boy

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Jimmy: “This looks like a leaf blower.” 

(On a side note, last weekend Jim told Jimmy he was going to go out and use the leaf blower to clean up the yard, and Jimmy kept asking how his dad was going to get high enough.  Jim finally figured out Jimmy thought the leaf blower was supposed to blow the leaves off the trees!) 

Well, Duh

Sometimes when I ask the girls to describe a picture they just drew, I’m reminded of the adage “If you ask a stupid question, expect a stupid answer.”  Cases in point:

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Susie: “It was a bad green day. The wizard made everything green.  Because his favorite color was green.”


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Becky: “I am dressed up as a pyramid and the pyramid says no.”

The Poet

I was so touched the other day when Becky excitedly pulled me aside to show me a poem she had written all by herself after hearing one I had written.  Not only did I love the fact she had done her best to sound out the words and rhyme the stanzas, but I also loved her sentiments.  What a blessing to me she is!

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Translation tips (she switches some “P’s” and “R’s”, and writes “My” for “Me” and omits about half the vowels in most words – not bad for not being able to independently write a single word a few months ago!):

I love my family.  

They take care of me. 

They put me to bed safely.

My mommy loves me.

My dad is funny.

God loves our family. 

God blesses our family.

Now we are happy.

Sunday School Picnic

Last weekend, our church had its first annual Sunday School picnic.  Thanks to a lot of effort by everyone, it was a huge hit!  A great time was had by all the kids (especially the BIG kids, as you can see from the pictures!).

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Interview with my Little Fireman