Becky’s Turn

I keep forgetting to announce that Becky lost her first tooth on Sunday, December 23rd!  The poor thing was very feverish with an as-yet-undiagnosed ear infection, but as she was staggering downstairs that morning, she stopped and exclaimed, “Oh!” and proudly produced her bottom left center tooth (the same one that Susie lost a few weeks prior).  Even though she was too sick that night to care, I gently tucked her tooth inside the pocket of a pillow that my mom had sewn for my sister and me when we were children.  The next morning, she rallied enough to get excited over the sparkly coins that replaced the lost tooth, but it wasn’t until Christmas a few days later that she finally felt like herself again.  Because I didn’t get any in-the-moment pictures of the big event, I had her smile for the camera this week so I could document the occasion (you can see Susie’s finger helpfully identifying the new gap).  Congratulations on entering the big-kid land of gap-toothed grins, sweet Becky!     

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Warm Up

The weather has been so cold that the kids really haven’t gotten a chance to go outside for more than a few seconds at a stretch recently.  But today, it was nearly 50 degrees (which was nearly 50 degrees warmer than it was this weekend!), and the boys were eager to stomp around outside.

As soon as he was released from my clutches, Danny literally started doing laps around the front yard:

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Then he walked back and forth in the slushiest snow he could find:

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Jimmy needed a little more speed:

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It’s supposed to get cold again now, so I guess the boys will be doing laps around the living room tomorrow!


You know you’re experiencing post-holiday fatigue when you let your son eat straight from the popcorn tin and your daughter lap her water like a dog!

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For Grammie

Happy Birthday, Grammie!

Tent Twosome

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New Year’s Recap

We spent a lovely few days with our friends and family in Pennsylvania over New Year’s.  We hadn’t been there in an entire year, which was far too long!  We stayed with our friends Ron and Tiffany, who had little Wyatt last summer.  We were all very excited to meet the newest adorable addition to their family!

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Our big kids were over the moon to be able to play with Ron and Tiff’s big kids (and their toys!):

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On New Year’s Eve, we went to Jim’s aunt and uncle’s house for their yearly party (you can see pictures from last year’s party here) .  To say the girls were looking forward to this party would be an understatement.  They were positively GIDDY.  And their energy served them well – we all made it to midnight (even though the boys were definitely rough around the edges by then)! 

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His Danny Boy

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