Wandering in Weeds

It’s a good thing we’re working on our landscaping projects, since we’re about to start losing children in the weeds out front!

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Labor Day Buddy

We had some out-of-state friends over for a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and the kids were thrilled to have so many people to play with, especially little Breton.  Becky adores babies, and she was excited to have another one around to mother (or in this case, conscript to help build her city)!

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Playing Solo

Playing by himself is not Jimmy’s strong suit.  He loves to be around people, and struggles to entertain himself without constant interactions from others.  Especially now that his sisters are back in school and Danny’s not quite old enough to be a great playmate, I’ve been encouraging Jimmy to find things to do by himself for a few minutes.  Apparently, some of my pleadings got through!  The other day, I found Jimmy stretched out on the couch looking at a book (and holding a yellow whistle).  I was so excited I had to document the moment! 

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(Oh, and Dad, you’ll be happy to know his book of choice was an illustrated version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island.”  He loved all the pictures of the pirates!). 


I had just told Jimmy not to do something, and he did it anyway and got hurt.  So I knelt down next to him and said, “Jimmy,  you need to obey me when I tell you not to do something.   It’s for your own good.  I know more than you do.”

Jimmy replied, through his tears: “But Daddy knows better than anybody!”


Whenever we go to the grocery store, the kids love to look at the live lobsters.  One time while they were gazing in wonder at the tank, the seafood employee asked if they’d like to touch one.  The kids were ecstatic, and the man kindly pulled one out for them all to touch.  The kids asked me later if they could hold the lobster themselves next time.  I explained that no, it was the worker’s job to pick up the lobsters.  Jimmy then announced: “I want to be a lobster picker-upper when I grow up.” 


We were at the lake and Jimmy was frantically trying to hold onto the tow rope as well as the surf board while he was floating around in the water.  Susie hollered out to him, “Jimmy, use your muscles!”

Jimmy replied: “I don’t have one!”


Happy 2nd Birthday, Danny!  You are the most independent, fun-loving, accident-prone, determined, cuddly child I know!  You are incredibly sweet and loyal, you love to share (when you feel like it!), you copy absolutely everything your siblings do, you love to eat, you love to do things for yourself and by yourself, you still have a hair-trigger temper but you’re mellowing a bit as you mature, you amaze me with your ability to use tools and put things together, your obsession with all things motorized (like motorcycles and four-wheelers, but also including vacuums) is unsurpassed, you adore animals, you have a vocabulary and a grasp of language that astounds me, you love to sit on your brothers and sisters and holler “Horsey ride!”, you love to sit on my lap and look at books as long as you can turn the pages (finally!), you have an exuberantly infectious laugh, and you LOVE LOVE LOVE to be outside.  There’s just something about your smile that absolutely melts me.  And I could kiss your squishy cheeks forever and ever.  I’m so excited to see you grow and learn this year! 

Here are pictures of Danny helping himself to his brother’s wardrobe, helping himself to soap while I wasn’t looking, and helping himself into his shirt – upside down!

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