Swept Off Their Feet

We were thrilled to have a dear family stay with us last weekend who blessed us with their encouragement and company.  Unfortunately, I completely forgot to get a picture of them!  What I DID get a picture of, though, was one of our wonderful friends being his normal wonderful self with our kids!  Chris, you are welcome to sweep the floor with our children anytime!

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And Sarah, you guys make a great team!

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Read Aloud

One recent morning, I came out of my bedroom to find this scene – both girls contentedly reading aloud to themselves.  It was music to my ears! 

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And although it’s a new development to have them actually reading the books correctly, I’ve been finding them immersed in stories for many years (here’s photographic proof).  I love my bookworms!

Who Nose

I’ve heard of “curly eyes and laughing hair,” but I guess Danny is using my eyelash curler to try for a curly nose!

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Hear Her Roar

Just because this picture (taken at a local dollar store) cracks me up…here’s Becky dressing up her brother in a dinosaur mask and helping him perfect his “roar”:

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Danny was adamant he did NOT want to purchase the dinosaur mask with his hard-earned (or rather, Grammie-gifted) dollar.  He had his eye on a toy four-wheeler, and hasn’t stopped playing with it since!

She’s Thankful

Here’s a paper Susie brought home from school the other day.  I don’t know what the assignment was, but I liked what she wrote!

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Translation: “I am thankful for toys.  I am thankful for a house.  I am thankful for a mom and Dad.  I am thankful for a sister and two brothers.  Turkeys.  November.  Pumpkin Pie.” 


Jimmy: “There’s no reason to be scared of hard work…only wolves.”


I was trying to steal a piece of Danny’s dessert, but he shooed me away and said, “No Mommy eat mine.”  Then he gestured across the table at his brother’s plate and suggested, “Mommy eat Jimmy’s!”


Susie, after glimpsing a leaf as it blew by: “I think I saw a flying squirrel!!”


Jimmy, randomly turning to Susie in the middle of a restaurant: “Your feet smell like vanilla.”


Me, pointing myself out in a picture: “I was paddleboarding.”

Susie: “You were kayaking?”

Jimmy: “No, she was paddle-whacking!”

Playing with Playdough

I was tired of our house looking like this after the boys played with our old, dried-up playdough (can you see the scattered little bits everywhere?)…

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…So I decided to try a homemade playdough recipe (using flour, water, oil, cream of tartar, and salt) I had seen on Pinterest.  It turned out great!  The boys loved playing with the new, squishy dough. 

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I was so emboldened by the success that I tried my hand at a second recipe, this one calling for a mixture of corn starch and hair conditioner.  Well.  It was a mess.  And I couldn’t even blame this mess on the boys!  I ended up salvaging it, and the boys really liked playing with this stickier, gooey-er creation (and it didn’t hurt that I ended up stripping them down so I could avoid grinding wet corn starch into their clothes, and the boys like to do anything shirtless!). 

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Then, after the fun was done, I put the boys to work cleaning it all up!

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Here are two of the girls’ most recent creations.  They are quite the prolific artists – every day I find little treasures scattered throughout the house! 

Here is Becky’s depiction of a sunglass-wearing-juice-box-drinking sun and a sad rain cloud (who didn’t want to rain all over the animals):

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And here is Susie’s version of the “Kit” American Girl doll she is coveting from the catalogue.  She got the outfit and accessories just right!   

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Chin Up

Jimmy’s had a persistent rash around his mouth for the last month, and several doctor visits and prescription creams later, we’re still dealing with it.  Fortunately, it doesn’t bother him much.  I was taking a picture of the rash the other day, so I could track whether it was getting better or worse.  This is how it typically looks these days:

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Danny saw me taking the picture, and insisted that he get a chin picture as well.  No rashes on this goofball! 🙂

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“Hair” Apparent

It may not have made a big difference, but Danny got his first haircut last Saturday, courtesy of his dad!


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Danny was exceptionally proud of his haircut.  Kudos to Jim for making our little guy so happy!