Rest Stop

Last week, it seemed like everyone in the house took turns being sick with something or other.  Here’s Becky early last week:

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Sometimes when the kids are sick is the only time they’re still long enough for me to capture how sweet and beautiful they are!  I love how peaceful she looks here.  She felt a lot better after that much-needed morning rest.  Here’s to a healthier week! 

Weekend Trip

We spent last weekend in Pennsylvania while we attended a Bible conference and visited with our friends and family there.  I’m so thankful for our friends for hosting us, especially given the multitude of illnesses we were spreading around.  I can’t believe I neglected to take a single picture!  I did, however, manage to snap a picture of Susie’s “weekend news” where she described our fun visit:

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Translation: “I went to Pennsylvania to see Gavin and Mason and Wyatt and Ron and Tiffany.  When we were there we got to play a little bit.  We went to a conference there.  I had to wear a fancy dress.  After the conference when we got home to Mason and Gavin’s house we played the wii a little bit.”  The picture she drew is of a Nintendo Wii screen where she and her sister were competing in a sword-fighting competition.  🙂