Cracking Himself Up

There’s just something about this kid that makes me laugh (and makes him laugh too, apparently).  And the best part is, he’s just as squishable and hilarious in person as he is in pictures! 

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Summer Living

There’s just something wonderful about the pace of summer.  We have been very busy, beginning with a vacation, then company, then daily guests and outings.  But yet it’s been so nice to be home together.  Each morning, I sit down with my toast and tea and read the Bible, and am soon joined by my early-riser Becky, who sits quietly beside me eating her Eggo waffles and cereal (she’s a girl after my own heart – she loves breakfast!).  Then Susie meanders downstairs and the three of us chat or read together.  Pretty soon we hear the boys carrying on in their beds and we go upstairs to get them up, and the marvelous mayhem begins. We don’t have to rush around sticking lunchboxes in backpacks or finding a matching shoe while I fret we won’t make it down the driveway in time for the bus.  The girls can leisurely read a few books while I clean up breakfast, and then we all attempt to make a dent in the chores for the day and the kids are rewarded by watching a TV show while I bustle about and pick up the first wave of toys that have erupted out of the closets and bedrooms in only a matter of minutes.  Then we usually run an errand or go to the park or library, followed by lunch and naptime (boys asleep in their beds, girls playing in their room, me either exercising, cleaning or sleeping depending on my energy level!), then the kids can play while I get dinner ready, usually with the windows open so I can hear the scream of any kids who have collided on scooters or tackled an unsuspecting sibling, then we do some kind of evening outing to a park or ice cream or swimming and then we get to bed WAY too late because who wants to be in bed when it’s light and warm and FUN outside?! 

Throughout the day, I stop and look out my kitchen window at the beautiful, full green trees and, whether the weather is humid and stormy or still and sunny or whipping back and forth between the two, I sigh and marvel at how much I love summertime as a mom.  I love the kids sprawled out all over the house, the spontaneous playdates with neighbors, the pool lounging with guests, seeing all four of the kids playing with/yelling at/crawling upon/encouraging one another.  Because even when the tensions run high and I feel like my ears are going to literally fall off because of the decibel level in the house, I’m surrounded by my favorite little people in the world.  And in the summertime, I can take the time to talk to them, to read them longer passages of Scripture, to work harder with them on their memory verses, to answer their theological questions more fully (like Becky’s recent query about why the Lord put a tree in the Garden of Eden that he didn’t want Adam and Eve to eat, when he could have just made the Garden free of temptation and the possibility of sin).  Of course I can do these things during the school year, but those days are just so jam-packed that I don’t always take the time to sit and listen to the kids at length…as soon as the girls get home from school, it’s like a shot goes off inside my head marking the beginning of a race to complete playtime, dinnertime, bathtime, readingtime, and bedtime.  But in the summer?  The day is our own.  And it’s a beautiful day. 

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Book Buddies

If I don’t hear the girls giggling and carrying on somewhere in the house, I can pretty much assume they’re busy reading.  These girls love a good book!

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Living Dangerously

Jimmy trying out his new sport – roller scooting!

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Susie, about our local Costco store: “I know this place like the bottom of my foot. “


Becky: “Mommy, when Is the fourth of July?  Is it July 4th?  I just figured that out.”


Jimmy, to his cousin: “Jonathan, do you know how to spell my name?”

Jon: “J-A-M-E-S”

Jimmy: bursts out laughing, "Definitely not!!"


Jimmy and I had been reading about the sonic boom that occurs when a plane goes faster than the speed of sound.  I was asking Jimmy some questions about it later. 

He explained: "A sonic boom is when a plane breaks the Sound of Music."


Danny was in the car roaring, pretending to be a lion. He roared so loud he hurt his throat and started coughing.  Once he got his breath back, he sputtered, "That was a lion’s cough." 


Jimmy had some blood on his face from a mosquito bite.  Observing himself in the mirror, he said, "I see the blood."   His words reminded me of a Bible verse from Exodus, so I absentmindedly quoted, "When I see the blood, I will pass over you."  Jimmy asked what I said, and I explained it was from the Bible.  He then walked into his room and promptly sat on his brother’s head, who was lying on the floor.  I hollered over to him, "Jimmy, step away from your brother!"  Jimmy looked up and asked, "Is that a Bible verse, too?" 


This boy loves him some watermelon!

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Mommy’s Helper

I just can’t get over what a great help Jimmy is around the house.  He has such a heart for service (at least, until he’s distracted by something better)!

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The Fearsome Foursome

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Cool at the Pool

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Laid Back

Who needs to pay for a massage chair at the mall, when just sitting in the chairs is relaxing?!

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