Early Riser

Guess who is the early riser in this picture?


Yup, the little man missing a sock.  He’s about to go down for his morning nap, while his daddy is just getting up for the day.  Wish we could all take morning naps! 

Another Swing Kid

Introducing the newest swing-loving member of the family: Jimmy!


Jimmy: “Wow!  Why didn’t anyone tell me about this before?”


Jimmy: “I can feel the wind in my (one) hair!” 


Jimmy: “I’m learning from my sister, the pro!”

Becky volunteered to push Jimmy for his inaugural ride, much to his (and her) delight:

Becky’s Self-Portrait



You know a toy is truly a winner when it can entertain three different children at the same time!


Built-in Buddies

Just when I start to wonder how they will treat each other in the years to come, I look over and see this:


And I thank God once again for giving my girls a best friend from birth. 

Formal Wear

Didn’t you know that sunglasses, headbands, and bunny ears are considered fashionable accessories when one attends a royal ball?


Ah, Susie.  Always the trend setter. 

Seasonal Decorating

How can you spot a child who’s really excited for Christmas to come?

That’s easy.  Just look for anyone decorating the shrubbery with leaf “ornaments.”



This is also the girl whose first words out of her mouth this morning were, “Is it Christmas yet?”

I gotta get that kid a calendar!   

Thankful for Friends

We are so thankful for friends who remind us to look at life from a different perspective. 


We are so thankful for friends who sit beside us in enchanted forests. 


We are so thankful for friends who remind us to stop and smell the roses. 


We are so thankful for friends who make us feel warm and snuggly – inside and out.  


We are so thankful for your friendship, “Miss Julie” and family.  We can’t wait to see you all again soon!    

Right Between the Eyes

Thanks to his increased mobility (have I mentioned he’s fully crawling now?), I knew it was only a matter of time before Jimmy started to get bumps and bruises. 

Well, a few days ago, he decided to investigate something and inadvertently smacked his little face into a sharp edge.


I hate to think of him getting hurt, but I know this is just the first of many injuries to come.  He’s already setting a faster pace than the girls (I documented Becky’s first minor facial injury here, which didn’t occur until she was 1 1/2 years old).  My little man is already quite the bruiser!    


Here are some of my observations from our “powerless” stretch last week.  I had lots of time to think while sitting in the dark!


1.  Kids are resilient, adaptable, and warm-blooded

2.  My good old-fashioned paper Bible never lets me down

3.  Getting up at 1:00 am with a crying baby is even harder when it’s cold in the house

4.  Automatically flicking on lights and turning on faucets are hard habits to break

5.  I can start a generator with a flashlight in one hand and a baby in the other

6.  Generators act as wonderful white noise machines

7.  I greatly underappreciated my vacuum, especially with two messy kids and a crawling baby

8.  I never thought I’d yearn to do laundry, but I did.  Oh, how I wanted to do laundry.

9.  My girls don’t protest too loudly when they can’t watch TV, but they fall apart when I can’t toast a frozen waffle

10.  I missed the internet almost as much as I missed running water

11.  I was reminded how quickly kids incorporate new words into their vocabulary, like “power” and “generator”

12.  Disasters bring people together, especially at Dunkin Donuts when everyone is wearing heavy coats and cradling their coffee cups as they try to warm up

13.  My eyes are getting too old to read by candlelight

14.  Never underestimate the transformative power of a hot shower