Taking it on the Chin

While frolicking in my in-laws’ yard yesterday afternoon, Becky’s courage outpaced her coordination and she tumbled face-first onto a stone walkway.  It wasn’t a bad fall, but it did result in a tiny abrasion under her bottom lip.  To the best of my memory, it was the first time she’d scraped up her face, other than an occasional scratch from her fingernails and repeated goose-eggs from bumping her head.  I wanted to document this (un)momentous injury, but asking Becky to stand still for the camera is a little like asking Robin Williams to stick to a script – it’s just not natural.  Becky’s expressions are in perpetual motion – perpetual goofy motion, to be precise.  I have a feeling that she will be one of those kids who will be thrilled to get her first broken bone so she can constantly wave around a massive cast for audience approval.  Here’s her showing off the (nearly nonexistent) scratch on her chin.  I apologize for the blurry photographs – that’s perpetual goofy motion at work for you.





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