How Do Ya Like Them Apples?

Becky drew this picture after her Sunday School lesson last week.  She explained that she had drawn Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  They’re each holding an apple, and they both have “messy mouths.”  And God (the floating head at the top of the page) is telling them, “Don’t eat any more apples!”

Take a Bow

Any guesses as to what the kids are doing in this picture?

They’re curtsying!  All three of them.  I haven’t broken the news to Jimmy that it’s tough to curtsy without a skirt!


Since the girls are in preschool this year, this was the first time they exchanged Valentines with their classmates.  The girls thought they had hit the jackpot.  First they got to make a craft (which included taste-testing the candy), then they got to give them to their friends, and finally they got to receive oodles of cards and sweets.  What could be better?! 

I had seen this easy craft on the internet where you cut out wings and attach them to lollipops to make butterflies.  If I had been feeling more ambitious, we could have gone the extra mile and added googly eyes, but since Jimmy was very hands-on in this project, I didn’t think it was worth the hassle to add glue and small objects to the mix!

Here is Becky decorating her wings:


Here’s some Susie wings:

And a Susie smile:

And here’s a pile of the finished butterflies:

A sweet treat by my sweets!

The Collection

Ever since my girls became infatuated with The Little Mermaid and saw that Ariel had a collection of memorabilia in her underwater grotto, Becky has been insistent on keeping her own “collection.”  This collection consists of everything Becky values most: namely, her princess dolls, shiny plastic jewels, and an assortment of random toys and books she adores.  She puts them in specially-selected buckets and bags right next to her bed.  The thing is, once something enters her collection, she doesn’t want to disturb the arrangement, so she seldom plays with it.  But she takes great pride in knowing her prized belongings are just where she wants them.  As she explained to me recently: “I want everything the way I want it to be.”  Makes perfect sense to me!

Back from the Blizzard

We didn’t end up with nearly as much snow from the blizzard as most of the rest of New England (much to Jim’s disappointment!).  But we definitely had enough to play in.  Here are the girls all suited up to play at their grandparents’ house:

The intrepid explorers (their exploration lasted exactly two minutes before Susie’s boot fell off and she returned to the warmth of the house):

Here’s Jimmy discovering that cars don’t move very well in the snow! 

Plow Guys

I don’t know what tonight’s blizzard will bring, but I know that I have two guys who will be very happy to plow it all away tomorrow!

He Cracks Me Up


Bonkers over Books

Yesterday, we ventured out into the cold to go to the library.  I didn’t want to bring in the stroller, so with everybody bundled in their puffy winter coats, I settled Danny in the frontpack, put Jimmy on my hip, and had the girls walk beside me.  It worked fine going in, but it was quite the sight seeing us all leave because I was also juggling ten hardbound children’s books!  In the library, the girls happily busied themselves among the toys, puzzles and books.  Jimmy watched them with interest, then joined in the fun, pulling books off the shelves, scattering puzzle pieces, and climbing on every piece of furniture in the children’s section.  And of course he picked when the librarian was there shelving books to start joyfully flinging books over his head!  But hey, he was still enjoying the books, right?  Just in his own special way…

That outing reminded me of one of the first times I brought the girls to the library sans stroller.  I have to say, the two of them wrought a lot less damage than one little Jimmy!  Here’s a trip down memory lane to the library:

My Little Story-Teller

For Christmas, the girls each received their own journal.  Susie took quite a shining to hers, and has since filled it with doodles, cut out pictures, and stenciled drawings of – what else – princesses.  Here’s Susie “reading” me a story she wrote in her journal (as well as Danny’s babbling two cents).  Oh, and in case you were wondering…I’m trying to grow out Susie’s bangs, but she’s not really into headbands or clips, so she’s sporting a “Cousin It-in-training ” look at the moment.  Also, yes the temperature is below freezing here, and yes, my daughter is wearing a sleeveless dress…

…And be forewarned, brevity is not Susie’s strong suit!

They Keep Me Laughing

I’m having trouble posting pictures on the blog right now.  Fortunately, the girls keep saying silly things that don’t need accompanying photographs!


Susie: “What is Cinderella’s prince’s name?” 

I shrugged, unable to remember.

Susie, unfazed: “I’ll call him Jim.”   


Me: “What did you do at school today?”

Becky: “We had a spider alarm.”

Me: “You mean a fire alarm?”

Becky: “No, a spider alarm.”

Me: “Oh really!  What did you have to do?”

Becky: “We had to go outside and sit on the curb.  We played a game where we had to stay quiet.  It wasn’t a very fun game.”

Jim: “Did spider man come?”

Becky: “Daaaddyy, that would be silly!”


Becky, brushing her bangs out of her eyes for the umpteenth time: “My hair is messing up my face!!”