Sigh of Relief

I think…I pray…that our family is all healthy…finally.

I wasn’t so sure as of yesterday evening.  Becky had been good all day Saturday, and so we decided to get out the house as a family.  We had all piled in the car to drive up to see my in-laws and got about 15 minutes from home when I heard an all-too-familiar sound of sickness in the backseat.  I turned around, expecting to see a sick Becky, but to my consternation I saw that it was Susie who had gotten sick!  I must admit that after I cleaned her up and we turned the car around to head back home, I shed a few bitter tears of frustration and self-pity.  I was not looking forward to another week-long stint as a nurse.  But thankfully, it must have been an isolated incident of car sickness, because Susie hasn’t displayed any signs of illness since then.  She’s been her normal, jubilant self.  I’m still watching her like a hawk for any turn for the worse, but as of right now, I am thankful we seem to all be in the clear. 


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