Flip a Coin

I may not be the world’s thriftiest individual, but as far as I know, I have never literally thrown money down the drain.

I can’t say the same for my daughters.

Yesterday, I noticed my garbage disposal was making an awful racket and I asked Jim to look at it when he came home from work.  He obliged and rummaged his hand around in the drain for a few minutes and then looked up in surprise and informed me, “There’s a coin in there.”  It dawned on me that the girls had been playing with a few nickels out of my wallet earlier in the evening, and when I asked them to clean up the family room before bedtime, in all probability, one of them tossed the coin in the sink in an effort to quickly rid the area of toys.  After all, they see me throw all manner of food and dishes into the sink.  Why not money? 

We were able to remove the offending nickel from the drain, and although it’s a bit worse for wear thanks to the garbage disposal’s valiant destructive efforts, I believe it’s still usable.


I didn’t think I was going to have to start teaching the girls the value of money until later on in life.  I guess I better get started, or else risk having larger denominations flushed down the toilet! 

4 comments to Flip a Coin

  • Oh your girls crack me up and I love the way you write about it. You are truly talented. My sister called me earlier today. She said she was having some plumbing issues. She called a plumber and he found 4 matchbox cars in that had been flushed down the toilet. Oh the things kids do!

  • Emily

    Thank you so much, Janet! I’m sure our plumbing-issue days are only beginning! 🙂

  • Craig

    You have a garbage disposal with a septic system? You are in violation of County Code: 24.5.a.(2). An inspector will visit you shortly.


  • Thanks for the heads up, Dad. 🙂

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