The Little Engine

As an avid reader myself, nothing makes me happier than seeing my girls enjoy a good book.  However, sometimes they “enjoy” their books with a rougher touch than I would like.  It’s a pretty frequent occasion in this house to hear a telltale rrrrippp sound, followed by an “Oops!” and then a “Mommy, fix it with tape!” (The girls think Scotch Tape is equivalent to miracle glue, by the way; they expect tape to fix broken dolls, toys, crayons, etc.). 

For the vast majority of our book collection, I don’t mind sacrificing a page or two on behalf of their literary pursuits.  However, there is one book that I rarely let them handle because of its age and its importance to me: A 1961 edition of The Little Engine That Could


It was given to me by my maternal grandfather when I was two years old, and it includes an inscription from him (the smudges you see in the picture are my efforts to obscure our last names for security purposes).  I just love his handwriting.  Because he passed away early in my childhood, I don’t have many things to remember him by, so this book is especially precious to me.  I can’t thank my Gramma enough for saving it for me and my kids!   


The other night, Jim got out the book to read to the girls.  I can just imagine my Grandpa reading it to me and later on, my sister, with the same love and affection in his voice. 


I love the classic illustrations, as well as the classic message of the book. 


I haven’t been feeling well physically these last few days, and I’ve needed to remind myself of the Little Engine’s persistence and fortitude.  Whenever I feel like I’m chugging up a hill with a heavy load (or a heavy belly), I hope I can echo the words, “I think I can.  I think I can!”  And I know, that when my strength fails me, as it always will, I have my Lord and Savior to lean on.  His blessed words are even sweeter to my soul: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). 

6 comments to The Little Engine

  • Aw, what a sweet post. Precious book too, with extra preciousness attached. Keep on chuggin’, girl… you can do it!

  • Trish Ashton

    Your grandfather loved you and your sister so much! We visited several times with your family and there was no grandfather more proud or more loving of his granddaughters. Both of your grandparents were always so kind to us – we lived in the area when we were first married and they were our family since we were far from our immediate families. Trish

  • Oh Emily – this post almost makes me cry…. what a precious keepsake!! Definitely keep that book safe… it represents SO much LOVE!
    Your days and weeks are passing by, and before you know it, you’ll be holding your sweet bundle of baby boy… You can do it!! x0x

  • I totally relate to what you are saying, I too have been reminding myself “I think I can, I think I can!” Check your email for more details!

  • Linda

    What a sweet picture of Jim reading to the girls! It makes my heart happy.
    I agree with Trish, your Grampa loved you and Angie so very much, Emily. He was taken from us far too soon. I still love to see his unique handwriting.
    Be gentle with yourself,Emily. You are doing an amazing job.

  • Julie

    My kids have been asking to read the book and see the movie – it happens to be a preview on Despicable Me:-) I just looked them on Amazon to order. Julie

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