Missed Us?

Sorry for the absence!  A strong storm blew through our area on Thursday evening, knocking out power to our neighborhood until late Saturday night, so we were camping out at my in-laws’ home this weekend.  We were very blessed that the storm did only minimal damage to our property, and thankful for Jim’s parents’ hospitality.  We’re a large, noisy, messy crew to house at a moment’s notice!  Thanks so much, Mom and Dad! 

So although our fridge now looks like this, thanks to the removal of spoiled food…


…our smiles now look like this, thanks to the relief of being home again!


(Blue mustache and beard is an added plus, thanks to some unsupervised crayon “chapstick” application!). 

1 comment to Missed Us?

  • Elizabeth Guidry

    Ah yes, the lovely ambiance of a ripe refrigerator. We came back from a hurricane evacuation some years back to that wonderful aroma. The refrigerator was old so we ended up replacing it. One lesson was learned around here from prolonged hurricane outages. If the power will be out long enough for the food in your refrigerator and/or freezer to spoil, you are better off throwing out the perfectly good food before you leave rather than coming back to deal with spoiled food. (Yes it is hard to throw out good food, but…)

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