Mini Golf with Cousins


Susie (on right): “You go first, Katelyn.  I need to work on my form.” 


Becky: “I’ve got my form down.  It’s just the ball that needs to get with the program.” 


Susie: “Why would I putt around the treasure chest when I could just go straight for the gold?” 


Susie: “I’m feeling a little crabby.”


Becky: “I’m practicing the art of removing the flag.”


Becky: “Now I’m practicing a shortcut to a hole in one.”  


Susie: “We’ll just stick with modeling instead of golfing for now.” 


Jonathan: “You girls need to learn how to take this sport seriously.  Next time I’m making you my caddies!”     

2 comments to Mini Golf with Cousins

  • ashley

    hahaha… Em this is hilarious!!!

  • Brittny

    Brent would be so proud of your little golfers…he can hardly wait to get out little one out on the course…I keep telling him, first he has to be born, then at least learn to hold his head up and grip, then maybe I’ll think about letting him go out on the golf course with Daddy! Everytime I get shot down though, as Brent seems to think we are going to go from the hosptial straight to a “sweet course” right down the street from the hosptial. Not sure which is more disturbing, that Brent wants to take an infant on a golf course, or that he has already located the best courses within an hour drive of the hospital!???!?!

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