Time Flies

I’m starting to understand why many of you advised us to cherish these first few months and years, as they disappear all too quickly. It’s hard to believe that only a little over a month ago, when my mom and sister were visiting, the girls were first starting to smile and coo and have extended periods of eye contact. Now, they would sometimes prefer to smile and coo and bat their eyes rather than eat! Rebecca has started to grab at items she’s interested in, and often appears to intensely study objects and people around her. She also talks a blue streak when she’s in the mood. You can tell she’s getting ready to gab when she locks onto your eyes with laser beam focus, and then half closes her eyes as if she’s assessing your willingness to engage in conversation. Then she starts jibbering and cooing in a sing-songy voice, often waiting for you to respond before she continues her narration. Susanna isn’t as interested in grabbing and gabbing. I think she figures that there’s no need, as long as she gets everything she wants when she flashes her million-dollar smile! Her smile is an adorable combination of: 1) a bashful “Aw, shucks, you shouldn’t have” expression, complete with a crinkled nose; 2) surprised delight as if you just told her you’re taking her to Disneyland, and 3) an excited twinkle of the eyes that tell you she has a scathingly brilliant idea. She’s quite the charmer!

The girls are now nearly four months old, and they are engaging more and more with the world around them – including each other. A few nights ago, Jim and I held up the girls so they were facing each other, and their eyes locked as they stared in disbelief and amusement at the beautiful creature across from them. Susanna smiled at her sister, Rebecca cooed a few times, and (Lord willing) a lifelong friendship has begun!

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