Big Gains

A few weeks ago, I took Becky and Susie for their three-year check-up at the pediatrician’s office.  They were treated like big kids, not babies.  The whole process was night and day different than their check-up a year ago.  Now, their weight was measured on a standing scale, their height taken against the wall.  They had to answer questions about the images on cards for a vision screen (and I had to muzzle one girl at a time so she wouldn’t answer for her sister), and sit for a hearing screen.  They had their blood pressure taken with a cuff.  They even got to change into gowns while we were waiting for the doctor. 


Becky thought the whole process was quite entertaining. 


Susie was much more nervous and hesitant about everything, but I do think she took comfort in Becky’s confidence.


As I suspected, the girls are quite big for their age.  Becky measured 3 ft. 2.75 in. tall (90th percentile), and Susie measured 3 feet 1.25 in. tall (I think this was closer to 75th percentile).  Becky weighed 34 lbs. and Susie came in at 31 lbs., and if I recall correctly, they were between 50th-75th percentile for weight.  The doctor was very pleased with all their progress, and even commented that it was hard to believe these little preemies had grown so much.  Wasn’t it just yesterday I was praying for them to chunk up in utero?  Now I find myself wishing I could squish them down a bit to keep them my little girls!   

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