Pea Brain

Susie, while rummaging around in our cupboard for a snack, found a baby food package of peas.  Although the child typically views peas with disdain, disgust, and dismal dismay, she begged for permission to eat the baby food.  To Susie, apparently anything in a plastic container (deceptively located next to the box of microwave popcorn) must be tasty.  So I decided to go with it.  I opened up the package, sat her down at the table with a spoon, and told her to eat to her heart’s content.

She’s a tough cookie, that one.  She never grimaced or winced.  She put one spoonful into her mouth, forced it down, and then, slowly this time, put in another.

She got in another tiny lick or two before she clamped her mouth shut and started to stir the green goo instead.

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Becky came over to see what her sister was eating, and when she was told that Susie was having peas for a snack, Becky announced:

“I like donuts better than peas.”

You’re not alone, kiddo.

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