Good Times

My mom is here!  She flew in yesterday evening and she hasn’t stopped ooing and awwing over her granddaughters (well, more specifically, my belly) since she arrived.  She’s even sung to the babies – and judging by the ensuing volley of kicks, they were either pleading for an encore or trying to figure out how to cover their tiny ears!  I’m voting for the former option, as it made me very happy to hear her lullabies again. 🙂  The nurses have been just as pleased with her visit thus far, as she first wooed them with bags of San Francisco‘s own Ghiradelli chocolate, and then proceeded to relieve them of their more mundane duties, like making my bed and refilling my water pitchers.  We’ll all be sad when she has to leave!


I even got a phone call today from my dad, who is in Turkey on business.  He is taking me on a “virtual cruise” from my bed, so he sends e-mails describing different exotic scenes he sees on a regular basis, such as the “Topkapi Palace where the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire held court…”  So while my mom is making sure I’m well-cared for in my hospital room, Dad is whisking me away to foreign lands! 


I am proud to report that both girls passed their “non-stress test” today for the first time, which is a test measuring their neurological maturity as evidenced by the frequency of heart accelerations in a given time frame.  The nurses have warned me that most babies don’t consistently pass all their twice-weekly non-stress tests until they are at least 30-31 weeks old, but their success today has convinced me that I have very advanced children 🙂  Hey, it’s a mother’s prerogative to be unreasonably proud of her kids, and I’ll take every chance I get!   

1 comment to Good Times

  • Trish Ashon

    Hi Emily! Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and praying for all of you! I know you are happy that your mom is there for a few days – give her my love as well! I’ll be keeping up with you on the blog and sending lots of love and prayers your way! Love, Trish Ashton

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