A Day to Remember

Days like today make me appreciate every other day; or shall I say, any other day. I just hope their crankiness can be chalked up to something I ate that didn’t agree with them, rather than an enduring personality shift. On days like this, it helps to count my blessings and remember all the girls’ endearing quirks. They do so many adorable things, and although I know it’s inevitable with time, I dread forgetting all the details of these early months. So I thought I’d jot down a few darling behaviors that came to mind:

How Susie’s pout looks like a perfect upside-down U, and how she sometimes alternates pouts with smiles, like a little kid who’s trying desperately to maintain a bad mood

How when Becky makes eye contact with you, she stares intently and rarely blinks, as if she’s memorizing your every feature

How Susie growls and sticks both hands straight out in little fists like she’s going to punch you (or like she’s going to start a motorcycle)

How Becky makes a disgusted and annoyed face when I’m trying to give her vitamins

How Susie sometimes falls asleep with her hands suspended in mid-air, fingers splayed

How Becky sometimes tries to hit high notes when she’s talking, but instead her mouth moves and no sound comes out until she gets back to her lower register

How Susie, when she’s sleepy, buries her face into my neck after she finishes eating

How Becky tilts her head back, closes her eyes halfway and parts her lips when she’s preparing to talk

How Susie ever so gently touches the back of her head while she’s eating or sucking her thumb, as if she’s ensuring that her few remaining wisps of hair are still there

How Becky closes her eyes and makes contented sighs while eating

I’m sure I’ll think of many more, but their recent irritable moods are clouding my judgment. Right now, the most wonderful thing I can think of is deep sleep – theirs and mine!

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