Nine Months

Jimmy has now officially been in this world as long as he was within me!  My little nine-month-old is a crawling, babbling, grinning monkey who has very kissable cheeks.  He eats everything I eat, just cut up into Jimmy-sized bites.  He also happily eats things I would rather not eat, like creamed spinach, peas, paper, rubber bands and lint.  He’s a speedy crawler and is starting to balance on his feet momentarily, although I haven’t seen any “cruising” behavior yet.  He babbles “Da Da” indiscriminately, sucks his left thumb constantly, and squeals with delight whenever he is near his sisters (well, he actually creaks, like he’s mimicking a squeaky door).  He’s sleeping great all night, settles down to sleep at all times like a champ, takes a morning and afternoon nap, and drinks exclusively formula (nursing wasn’t working anymore after he realized he had six teeth at his disposal).  He’s not partial to any particular toys, except he does like to chew on socks.  He will finally sit in my lap to let me read him one or two short books if he’s too tired to crawl away from me.  He doesn’t like sitting in his high chair unless there is a constant stream of food, and he doesn’t like to play by himself.  He also doesn’t like to get buckled into his car seat, but once he’s in and can hear his sisters chatting away in the back seat, he is generally content for the duration of the ride.  He loves to be tickled, tossed, squished, rolled, and swung.  The faster the better.

That’s my little nut in a nutshell.  Boy, do I love him!     


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