Weighing In

My mother-in-law and I took the girls to the pediatrician’s office today for a vaccination and weight-check. Susanna now tips the scales at 10 lbs. 6 oz. and Rebecca at 11 lbs. 7 oz. While those weights are still very low for five-month-olds, they aren’t too bad when you take the girls’ prematurity into account. The reigning consensus among our family is that the girls are happy and healthy, so numbers aren’t important. Besides, the girls have itty-bitty thunder thighs, or as a friend called them, “little chubbas,” so we’re going to celebrate those rolls while we can!

Jim and I were lamenting last night about how brief this infant stage will be. We so enjoy holding and cuddling the girls, and fawning over their every little detail. We’re even amused by way their faces contort when they cry, although my amusement decreases as their decibel levels increase.

I know we will appreciate all (or at least most) future stages of development. We’ve certainly enjoyed watching our nieces and nephew grow, and can’t wait to see what lies in store in years to come. However, I still can’t shake the feeling that these first few months are slipping by all too quickly. Yet I guess that’s better than feeling like this stage will never end. I’m sure I’ll be experiencing that sentiment all too soon, once the girls start teething!

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