
Recently, I had to wake Becky up in the middle of the night to change her diaper.  She was still half-asleep as I gently placed her on the changing table.  With her eyes closed, she softly murmured:

“Mama, I think I’m learnin’ to get big.” 

Although she’s still so young in so many ways (like needing midnight diaper changes!), I have to agree with her.  She is truly growing up, and I’m noticing it in the small ways throughout the day that she’s becoming more independent: getting her own water from the sink, finding her crayons in the drawer, putting on her own pants and socks, starting to tear off pieces of Scotch tape by herself, opening up her own banana…all things I don’t have to do for her anymore.  Indeed, as she so eloquently puts it, she’s learning to get big.  And neither she, nor I, would have it any other way.             

1 comment to Big

  • Linda

    So precious and tender. Glad that you have a record of these priceless quotes for her and you to remember when she one day will be all grown up.

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