One Month Update

Can I really have a one-month old already??  On one hand, it feels like that’s way too old for my little Danny, and on the other hand, it feels like he’s been part of our family forever!


A few highlights:

So far, Danny seems like a fairly laid-back baby (at least, more laid-back than Jimmy was, which isn’t saying much!).  He eats about every three hours around the clock (usually 7 am, 10, 1, 4, 7, 10, 1 am, 4), although we’re starting to get slightly longer stretches at night.  He falls to sleep on his own well, with only a little bit of fussing.  He’s more alert during the day now, but his average waketime is only about 45 minutes.  He eats quickly and is usually done with a feeding in about 15 minutes, although I still have to change his diaper mid-feed to wake him up.  He’s holding his head up well and seems to have a little more control over his arms, although he’s not yet reaching for objects.  He doesn’t really like a swing or a pacifier, and he takes all his naps in his crib upstairs.  He wears either newborn or 0-3 clothes, although mostly the larger size now, and he wears Size 1 diapers.  He’s finally getting a little chub in his cheeks – I love to kiss them!  His sisters absolutely adore him, and want to get very close and touch him constantly, but I have to limit that as the big kids keep coming down with colds.  Jimmy still treats him with a measure of excitement and bewilderment, and is still very gentle when he touches him.  As of today, he’s now been to his first church conference, and he did really well for the few hours we were there!  (Actually, he was probably the quietest out of all of our kids!).

And drumroll please…I think Danny gave me his first real smile yesterday!  I couldn’t capture it on camera, but I did catch this gas-induced sleep “smile.”  Even though that wasn’t a true social smile, it still warmed my heart!


3 comments to One Month Update

  • linda

    What a great way of capturing Danny’s first month. The top picture, I’d swear it was Susie…even in the same jumpy seat, and the bottom picture; well, I could look at that face forever! What a precious photo!

  • trish ashton

    He is just adorable – and growing so fast!

  • Becky Jones

    What a darling…..

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