Holy Rollers!

Mark your calendars, everyone – today is the day that Becky rolled from her back to her tummy!  We’ve known for a few weeks now that she was getting close, since she would roll onto her side but just couldn’t finish the job.  Well, maybe the problem was insufficient motivation.  I recently bought a new book for the girls, and today I set it beside Becky while she was playing on her back.  She spotted it out of the corner of her eye and started reaching for it.  She stretched and stretched and wiggled her fingertips and just couldn’t quite grasp it from her supine position.  So, she swung both her legs up into the air and over toward the book until she was lying on her side with her arm pinned under her.  She huffed and puffed, and perhaps spurred on by my frantic cheering, she finally wriggled her way over until she was on her tummy!  Triumphant, she gave the book a good thwack with her hand and sent it flying.  I guess she views books more as punching bags than mental stimulation at this point.  I hope she long continues to consider books to be worth reaching for!

Here’s Becky reaching for the book once she’s already on her tummy:


I love Becky’s exultant grin, now that she’s mastered the back-to-front maneuver:


And what, you may ask, was Susie doing this whole time?  She was keeping an eye on the proceedings, memorizing Becky’s every move.  This way, when she’s good and ready, she’ll know just what to do!


Susie found the whole affair quite amusing.  While Becky was on her stomach, she let out a giant belch, and Susie actually laughed!  I’m afraid Susie’s love-affair with bodily functions is only getting started, if she’s anything like her dad!


It was quite a day! 


1 comment to Holy Rollers!

  • Anonymous

    What a joyous set of enteries from going back to work, to hanging out with Daddy, to rolling over????!!!!?!!! WOW, no kidding your life changes daily and man are the girls growing. It is so crazy to go back and read the blogs. 9 months seems like such a long time ago but it also seems like yesterday just checking the blog to see how your tummy was growing! The girls continue to get cutier by the day and even through the pictures their personalities are starting to shine! They are very well loved!!! Thanks for bringing daily joy to my mornings!

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