
I’m kind of late to the Pinterest party, but I’m officially joining the rest of the world in spending way too much time on that site!  In addition to discovering some great recipes, I’ve found some fun kid crafts and activities.  I combined a few ideas to come up with the following “sight word” learning game:

First, I took some plastic Easter eggs and wrote a “sight word” (words that kids memorize to help them learn to read) on one side and a number on the other. 


Then, I have the girls pick an egg color (to narrow down the options), and I ask them to find the colored egg with a specific word or number.  Once they find the egg, I have them say the number and word on the egg, then toss it to me and I toss it back (to practice the hand-eye coordination that isn’t my girls’ strong suit!), and we proceed with the next one.  Then once all the eggs are done, I have them put the eggs back in the carton in number order. 

We had a lot of fun with this activity until the kids decided they wanted to do an early Easter egg hunt…and they hid the eggs so well we’re still finding them a week later!   

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