
Have you ever seen anything more hilarious than these high heels the girls are modeling?  Jim’s mom’s good friend Becky bestowed these fantastic shoes on the girls while I was still in the hospital on bedrest.  I remember unwrapping them and laughing so hard tears came to my eyes.  At the time, I couldn’t imagine the girls ever being big enough to wear these fancy heels (I actually couldn’t imagine the girls at all, given that my only glimpses at their cute faces had been via grainy ultrasound at that point, and I could barely tell their noses from their kneecaps!).  Now, the girls are acting so grown-up, I figured it was only fitting that they wear their grown-up shoes!  The pictures don’t do the shoes justice – they actually have soft little pointy stiletto heels.  I would have taken more photos, but the shoes are still a bit big, so they were repeatedly tossed into the air as the girls vigorously shook their legs in an effort to see what on earth I had placed on their feet.  They seemed more amused by watching the shoes fly across the room than by wearing them.  Either way, they had me in stitches! 

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