
I realized today that I’m starting to look forward to the girls’ birth.  Of course, I’ve been excited about meeting them throughout the pregnancy; however, when it appeared as if I might meet them before I was ready (and before they were ready), I felt more fear and dread than excitement.  Now as the weeks have ticked by and my condition has remained stable, I can feel bits of anticipation creeping into my consciousness.  I would love to see the faces that belong to the feet that are so relentless in their daily pummeling of my belly and my bladder.  I want to know if the wiggly baby inside me will also be a wiggle-worm on the outside, or if the baby who keeps getting the hiccups now will also be hiccupping away later on.  I would love to hold their little hands and kiss their little toes…when the time comes. 


Needless to say, I would be overjoyed if our mother/daughter meeting didn’t occur for another month or two, but the idea of meeting them sooner isn’t quite as frightening as it was before.  Every day that the pregnancy continues is another day that they are getting stronger and fatter and healthier, and that I am getting more emotionally prepared to meet them.  I will do everything in my power to postpone the day of our meeting for as long as possible, even though “everything in my power” is summed up by two simple tasks – praying and staying flat in bed!  My power is so limited, but the power of the Lord is infinite, and He already knows the day Jim and I will have the honor of meeting our daughters.  May we rest in the knowledge that His timing is perfect.    

1 comment to Anticipation

  • Linda Cole

    Dearest Emily,
    You are already an Excellent Mom, by thinking of your daughters before your own needs….you’d be surprised that this is not necessarily a “given” with moms who are pregnant.

    Staying flat in your bed and praying are the most important things that you can be doing..and you are doing them very well indeed. I am very proud of you.

    Mom, ( aka Grammie )

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