Slowly but Surely (and Messily)

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Yes.  He’s excited. 

Big kid underwear is a big deal around here. 

Granted, it only lasted about 90 seconds before he wet himself and hasn’t wanted to wear any more since…but it’s progress!  He’s actually done very well without any prompting from me.  A few months ago, he declared he wanted to go on the potty…and he did.  He usually goes at least twice a day all by himself.  Emphasis on by himself.  He doesn’t want me to be anywhere near him to help him get on the potty, or wipe, or even see him.  He insists I close the door and give him “pribeese” (privacy).  Which has led to some pretty big messes.  But I’m proud he’s so eager to master this – and I’m REALLY looking forward to only having one child in diapers for the first time ever!

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