Give It Away

When the girls are home all day, I still have them play (hopefully quietly) in their room in the afternoon while the boys are napping.  When I go to retrieve the girls, I’m often greeted by excited smiles as they show me the pictures and paper projects they’ve made, usually involving large amounts of tape.  Here’s Becky showing me a card she made for Grammie (she’s holding onto it until she can give it to you in person, Mom!):

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This picture reminded me how Becky used to make “letters” for people with lots of tape and paper, but then never give them away (I blogged about it here).  I’m so glad she now graces others with her creations! 

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1 comment to Give It Away

  • Linda

    Look at how much Becky has changed in such a short period of time!( But her tender-heart is the same)
    I can Hardly wait to receive the card, Becky!!!!!

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