First Science Experiment

Recently, during the girls’ afternoon quiet time, I heard little footsteps coming downstairs.  I intercepted Susie, who explained she really needed ice for a “science experiment” she and Becky had dreamed up.  I was intrigued, so I indulged her and brought some ice up to their room.  She excitedly placed the ice cubs in a pencil case where she had put a bunch of crayon shards and wrappers.  She said she and Becky wanted to see if the crayons would “harden” with the ice, or if everything would melt.  They were already figuring out trial and error, because their first try involved dumping water in and seeing what would happen!

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I took this video of the girls detailing their science experiment to me.  I was trying to teach them some of the proper terms (like hypothesis and conclusion) and they were very excited by the whole thing – maybe I have a few scientists on my hands!

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