
Susie is on a soup-making kick, so she was very excited when I told her a while ago that I was going to be making soup for dinner.  She decided she wanted to make her own version, so I got her out a bowl and some random ingredients.  I figured she would throw it all in, stir it around and then pour it down the drain.  However, she took the whole process very seriously, watching me as I chopped cooked chicken and vegetables and added salt and pepper to my pot.  She did the same, while also pouring in cup after cup of cold water.  When I told her it was time for dinner, she carefully carried her bowl to the table and announced she was giving it to Danny to eat for his meal.  And bless his heart, he ate it!  Now that’s brotherly love for you – eating cold, watery, peppery vegetables just to please your sister!

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