Walking in the Rain

I try to get out of the house every other day, just for a change of scenery for myself and the girls.  I had planned to go out this afternoon, but the sky continued to look thick with potential rain clouds, and I wasn’t keen on dodging rain drops while outside.  Yet, the rain wasn’t coming, and I was getting stir-crazy inside, so I decided to venture out for a quick walk with the girls.  I packed us all up and drove to a park (I unfortunately can’t just take the stroller out without driving somewhere first, as we live on a fairly major road with no sidewalks – and furthermore, the terrain is too challenging for my idea of an afternoon stroll.  I have no desire to have calves of steel, abs of steel, or any other steel-like body parts if it means pushing a full double stroller up and down hills.  I’ll keep my flab and relaxing pace, thank you very much!).

Of course, as soon as I unloaded us all out of the car, what did it do?  Start to rain.  Figures.  But the precipitation remained a light drizzle, and the girls were shielded, so I managed to get in a 20-minute walk before I decided I had had enough fresh, wet air for a day.  The girls seemed to enjoy the walk.  Hopefully they will be more outdoorsy than their mom! 






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